GodSmack: Hero-less Healthcare

So-called “911 responders” are demanding a health care bill, special just for them.  They demand extra benefits (money) because they claim they did their job.  This broke-ass nation bows down, calling them heroes, and bellies up.  Meanwhile Congress has to keep finding new and creative ways to keep this monstrous nation’s government afloat, and give food stamps to 1/7 people.  GodSmack!

These “911 responders” are not heroes, any more than the ignoble disgraceful violent veterans.  They’re all malcontents and thankless violent lying brutes. 

And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages, Lk. 3:14.

They’re co-conspirators, aiders-and-abettors, and traitors.  They lie about their “heroic acts” and steal your money.  Just the “heroes” you deserve.

Your destruction is upon you.  These cowards can’t help. 

Obey or perish!

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