GodSmack: Pennsylvania Snow

THANK GOD FOR THE SNOW-STORMS SMACKING PENNSYLVANIA, COLLAPSING ROOFS AND GENERALLY MAKING THE INHABITANTS MISERABLE. GodSmack! The state-worker-bimbo used your office supplies to make a sign announcing the Pennsylvania-State-ReligionWe Hate WBC! God was watching.  Pennsylvania passed laws to suppress the Word of God!  God was watching.  You supported lawless rebels suing us to make us not speak of God.  God was watching.  Bad ideas, all!  To the words rebels:

Romans 1:18  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Focus on HOLD:  restrain, hold down, suppress, hide.  Doomed americans try to hide the words at every level in every walk.  From the Long-Beach-Faithless-Oathbreaking-Police letting the bus hit our signs to the hackers trying to take down our web pages.  God is repaying you with his wrath.

Your destruction is imminent.  We pray for more/worse!


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