What Westboro Baptist Thinks Of Arizona’s SB 1062 & Your Endless Opinions About How It Will Effect Us

Make Us A Cake!

Make Us A Cake!

See WBC’s video production, here: http://bit.ly/1fLpmKt

“There will be no compromises.  We are not middle-class weaklings.  Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less.  Those who oppose us will be exiled.”

Those words I just spoke are acutely relevant ones in Arizona’s current socio-political skirmish that has the attention of national and international media of late.  The governor of Arizona, Republican Jan Brewer must decide if she will sign or veto a bill that will allow businesses in Arizona to refuse service to patrons if providing service would cause the business owners/operators to act contrary to their sincerely-held religious beliefs.  Other states are proposing similar legislation.

The proponents of the bill claim it to be the creation of a legitimate safe-haven for those who object to certain lifestyles or belief systems on religious grounds.  Opponents claim it to be a thinly-disguised justification for hate and discrimination.

Predictably, the humble servants of God at Westboro Baptist Church are being used as the straw-man for this collection of imbeciles to beat the dickens out of — from both sides.  Proponents use the alarmist tact of suggesting that a business run by fags may be required to produce a “God Hates Fags” cake … or sign … or shirt … or hat … or bracelet if they don’t have the protection of such a law.  Opponents are calling the law after our faithful ministry, hoping to force every legislator in Christendom to recoil in horror at the thought they might be aligning themselves with us.

How delectible!  Remember the quote I started with?  “There will be no compromises”!

Let us see what we can learn from the only source of wisdom about this issue.  “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” [2 Thessalonians 2:3-4]

The words I quoted to start are the words of Michael Swift, a fag activist who penned the manifesto of the homosexual movement.  That manifesto in its entirety can be read on our website at www.godhatesfags.com and I recommend your read it all.

Michael Swift is no sage, mind you.  He was simply articulating what anyone who knows the nature of the fag beast will expect.  If this generation of idolaters, fornicators, adulterers, and perverts of every stripe and kind had not made themselves and their children so wholly ignorant of God and His Word, you would know what is in the heart of every fag and dyke on the landscape.

“Sodomite”, that pejorative term used for many millennia to describe these beasts, is an excellent descriptor of their nature.  Coming from the root Hebrew word “qadash” [kaw-dash], it means “holy”, in a word.  These monstrously sinful creatures believe deep down that they are “the natural aristocrats of the human race”.  Believing that does necessarily lead them to the conclusion that “steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less.”  And consequently they fully adopt the resolution that “those who oppose [them] will be exiled”!

The lukewarm pansies that make up the so-called “Christian conservative movement” have long since effectively left the field of battle; lobbing impotent missiles over their shoulders as they sprint back to their insipid “God Loves Everybody, and stop looking at my adulteries and other gross sins” whorehouses that they call “churches.

This new wave of unconstitutional legislation will do two things certainly.  First, they will brand these legislative activists to be what they are in their hearts — impotent cowards!  Second, they will grant fags another round of singular victories as they use the “power of the dog” to obliterate this nonsense either politically or judicially.  And they will not stop there.  Every legislator who poked his or her head up to mouth this weak folly will be required to either capitulate fully — including advocacy on behalf of the fag agenda — or they will be exiled!

At WBC, we know that Christ was serious and prophetically precise when He spoke these blessed words:  “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.  Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.”  [Luke 17:28-30]

We will not get to lay our comforted and delighted eyes on our Saviour returning in power and glory — until the sodomite rot has fully set in and run its course for this grotesque generation.  There truly will be no compromises from us, by the grace and mercy of our God.  We will stand joyfully and patiently in front of the fag juggernaut with our signs proclaiming the everlasting hatred and punishment that abides upon the world of unrepentant sinners.  It is your only hope.  It is our only hope.  The will of our Father be done in earth as it is in heaven.


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