God Hates Your Feelings

Dear WBC,

I was surfing theology related sites on the internet last night, when I came across your website godhatesfags.com. I was deeply disturbed by the picket signs and spiteful sermons that were posted. I had no idea someone, let alone a large group of people, who claimed to be followers of Christ could have such feelings towards God’s beautiful creation. While I know I don’t have all the answers, far from it in fact, some issues are black and white. Your church and its members are wrong. While there is a chance your hearts might be in the right place, your actions and beliefs are disgusting. Instead of reciprocating your hate by praying eternal damnation on your souls, I beg God to show all of your members the Light. May He bless you all, and show you the righteous path we were meant to walk on this earth. I will pray fervently for each and every one of you. Sincerely, a Brother in Christ.


I’m happy then that we don’t make it our life’s work to serve YOU. We serve the God who created all things, who set His standard in the earth, and who demands obedience. We serve the God who made a holy covenant with a peculiar group of people–only these people are elected to salvation, whose sins are washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. You know these people by their words & works. If you don’t know the Bible (the original source text on God), it’s easy to mistake these people for loathsome, spiteful, disgusting, hate-mongering trouble makers (as seen by the fact that the world since Able has been treating God’s servants the same [you remember they killed Jesus, right??])…but we’re not!

Short, awesome, WBC video on loving your neighbor:  http://twitvid.com/NPEXH

Also, people who reject Christ & His Word shouldn’t pray, as they are abomination to God: http://twitvid.com/U94V9

Your friends at WBC

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