Field Report — Mulvane, KS — 12.19.10: He Has Forsaken His Covert

Mulvane KS Team 2 121910

He Has Forsaken His Covert — Mulvane, Kansas Beware!

(Field Report, Mulvane, Kansas — Sunday, December 19, 2010)

We don’t know when, where, or how it will happen, with any precision. And we don’t need to know that to have full assurance of faith that it will happen and that it will be grievous beyond the human heart to imagine or human mind to conceive. Mulvane, Kansas has placed itself — through the love her citizens have of the madams of the Patriot Guard and their concomitant hatred for the words and people of God — in the path of utter destruction.

Let us briefly review. Mulvane, Kansas is the home of a Doomed american Legion post. That post had a presiding member named Dave Williams, under whose leadership the post spawned what has become one of the most notorious, violent, freakish champions for Satan in modern Doomed american history. These girls in leather have spread throughout the nation — losers from monstrous military experiments about the globe for the past five to six decades. Freaks who scorched their brain matter with a combination of extreme drug use and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of humans on other continents, and who now move about this lost and doomed nation’s highways in a drunken and drugged hazes on tricycles. Lovely.

They don’t feel they were given enough of the country’s wealth to bow down to their unwashed backsides for being so willing to slaughter, pillage, and rape at this nation’s whim in lands abroad. They were not worshipped sufficiently, so they’ve got lots of anger and nobody cares enough to listen to them. God made them that way for this amazing time in history — the end of the earth.

So, the rattlesnakes’ nest was disturbed when word came that the faithful saints from WBC were bringing the message from God to the ghastly carcass worship sessions where dead are burying their dead — so to bind the nation to the sins she has committed grotesquely that resulted in this or that countryman’s death. Naturally, the patch-brigade moved out of their gaseous haze to seize the moment. It was a glorious and perfect way to amplify the words of the King — bands of fat, farting, burping, ass-scratching old has-beens on loud mopeds — who can resist that freak show background to our beautiful signs?

So, on November 30, 2010 some business needed doing in Wichita and a band of saints chose the opportunity to celebrate our appreciation to our King for creating that Mulvane-grown beast by holding a picket in their “home town”, and even on “Patriot Guard Highway” to boot! As it turned out, the former head of the Doomed american Legion post is also the Chief of Police.

Mulvane’s pride … fat bastard and bitch bikers ruled by an incompetent fat bastard Chief of Police. He turned to mischief. He stirred the pot. He fired the kiln. He set into motion a series of events that resulted in a murderous plot being carried out (albeit unsuccessfully) to shoot five of God’s precious seed outside the Wichita City Hall. As these blowhards are famous for … they did a lot of secondary damage, but they failed their mission. The saints of God escaped clean away — as it is promised they always will.

Consequently, on December 19, 2010, we travelled again to Mulvane to complete the binding of the residents of that rotten little hamlet. Two teams hit ten whorehouses there, where lying false prophets deceive the citizenry with smooth words and prophesy deceits (Isaiah 30:10). Here is the closing message, Chief Williams: God has forsaken his covert, as a lion! (Jeremiah 25:38), now let the citizens of Mulvane, Kansas beware.

Our God, the God of all Creation and He who holds the breath of life in His hands, is a consuming fire (Deuteronomy 4:24, 9:3, Hebrews 12:29) who goeth forth before us and jealously protects and defends us while we speak His blessed word in the earth. Like a lion who has finished with the mere contemplation of who, where, and when he will feast on the carcass of some unwitting creature, has now left his lair to conduct that grisly business.

We have warned you filthy, hateful, and self-destructive earth dwellers that the very worst thing you can do is plot, plan, and attempt to execute on designs to harm God’s servants. Mulvane’s highest law enforcement officer — standing representative of every soul dwelling in that miserable “City in the Valley” — entered into such mischief. Now, that filthy place can expect the recompense of his error. Good authority exists that it will someday very soon be called “the valley of slaughter”. (Jeremiah 7:32)

Magormissabib! (Jeremiah 20:3)

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