Angry Reprobates


I often hear WBC talk about proud reprobates who are happy in their sin and not at all worried about damnation.  But recently I’ve been wondering: do you think there would or could be such a thing as a disheartened, discontent reprobate who mourns his state of reprobation?

In other words, could somebody see that they are NOT elect, wish sincerely that they WERE elect, and live in perpetual despondency over the fact that they are not loved by God?…Or did I just describe an oxymoron?

Hi William,

That’s funny!  I like that.  In fact, I believe that they would not mourn, but would be angry.  They likely feel their state of destruction, and it makes them mad.  Those would be the people that kill themselves.  Those recent events of fags killing themselves.  There is no doubt that they do on some level understand that God hates them and they have no hope.  Then, something else happens and it just pushes them over the edge so they, again, on some level, likely decide that they will just show God.  They have been lied to all their lives, and they have Mr. Peanut as their god, so they go with the delusion that they have been cursed with.  They were appointed for this hour to bring the light on that thing.

Yes, oxymoron, kind of like a "gay Christian."  That is also an oxymoron.



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