Joe Cutbirth! Don’t you know how to read? “Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?” (Jn. 18:10)

Jon Image 3141011

Dear editor,


A few words on your piece on Westboro Baptist Church’s faithful preachments.


Kudos for quoting signs.  They’re the only words of life and hope.


When God kills your fellow man in a horrific manner – we will remind you they died for your sins.  No one is innocent.  Unless you repent, said Christ about the fallen tower killing eighteen in Siloam, you will likewise perish, Lk. 13.  It is a curse for your young soldiers to come home in tiny pieces in body bags; and for your miners to be buried alive underground.  God is cursing this nation!  You are to blame!


You slid off the cracker pretending we use violence.  Twenty years on the streets, we’ve used no violence, and never will.  Some hometown homosexuals tried this lame lie many years ago; it didn’t work.  (Satan likes to energize God-haters with creative lies.  He knows his time is so very short.)


We take our standard for our conduct from our Savior (not a faithless man who fled to Canada abandoning his children; I suppose someone mistreated him justifying his unreliability; just ask him).  Christ was about to be scourged, humiliated and killed.  Peter had an instinct to protect him, and whipped out his sword and cut off one of the soldier’s ears. 


Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it? Jn. 18:10.


We obey the laws of God and man, and deliver words to this nation and generation.  Just shut up pretending we’ll use violence.  You all know better.  You’re just looking for a way off the hook of these words in your conscience.  (And your “source” has been pimping his “book-in-process” for years, suckers. J)


This nation is awash in proud sin, including fornication, adultery (divorce/remarriage), murder (born/unborn), greed, idolatry, homosexuality and same-sex marriage.  You’re worse than all past civilizations combined, including Sodom and the antediluvian world.  Our job is to show you your sin and warn you to flee the wrath to come.  In amazing ways in spite of all efforts to shut us up – our words are mushrooming over the whole world.  Our God doeth all things well!


Speaking of urping:


Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; that the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, Lev. 18:26-28.


God is going to uproot this continent and vomit all of you from the land.  Like a cheap Wal-Mart plate, he’s going to turn you over, projectile rebels flying everywhere – gone forever!  Don’t worry your empty little heads about us – it’s the wrath of God you’re facing!  And his weapons in his armory are endless.


It’s too late for the dead soldiers and miners.  It’ll soon be too late for you.  Your destruction is imminent.  You should have obeyed.


Member, Westboro Baptist Church


PS  The “scoop” here is you forgot to get a current source.  I mean 30 years ago?  You could get a quote on current White House plans from Jimmy Carter.  Just ask him.  J  Come on guys—raise the bar tad up in here.  I mean there are some current sources on our current activities right at your fingertips.  You don’t even have to break a sweat.  What are you—a Bill-O’Reilly-wannabee?



Joe Cutbirth (Huffington Post)

Posted: April 11, 2010 02:24 AM

Phelps’ son says “God Hates Fags” church could turn violent

The challenge with writing about Fred Phelps, frankly, is suppressing the urge to urp.

Phelps and his hateful clan spent this weekend in West Virginia taunting innocent families whose fathers, brothers and sons were buried alive in the Upper Big Branch mine disaster. The last four of 29 miners were pronounced dead on Saturday. The Phelpses actually complained they didn’t get adequate police protection during a picket at the state Capitol, where they carried signs that read: “Thank God for Dead Miners,” “God Hates Your Tears” and “God Hates West Virginia.”

It’s a new low for The Most Hated Family In America, as they were dubbed in a 2007 BBC documentary about the Westboro Baptist Church, whose members routinely picket funerals of American soldiers. They claim God smites our military because America tolerates lesbian and gay people. The group is so obsessed with anti-homosexual theology it adopted the slogan “God hates fags” for the name of its website.

. . . (the rest of this drivel is cut off; like Joe will be pursuant to the eternal promises of God Almighty.  But there’s one afterthought dummy Joe added, which requires to be added here):

The point is that Nate Phelps can’t be ignored. He isn’t seeking revenge or selling a book. His motives aren’t in question. . . . .

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