“Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You Through Philosophy And Vain Deceit, After The Tradition Of Men, After The Rudiments Of The World, And Not After Christ” (Colossians 2:8)

Jon Image 3141013

Subject: A Few Philosophical Questions

Hi, I first became aware of your church a couple days ago upon reading a New York Times article about how you believe that the deaths of the miners in West Virginia were directly inflicted as punishment from God. My reaction to this was probably similar to most other people’s: It didn’t make much sense to me, and I felt that many people would probably be offended by it. However, when I encounter things that don’t seem to make much sense, I usually try to research them a bit further. So I read some other articles about your church, and I looked around your website a bit. So, here are the questions I had for you after doing a bit of research: You seem to not believe in the idea of free will, since you say that everything from terrorist attacks to deaths of soldiers to mining accidents are directly controlled by God. This implies that pretty much anything else that ever happens is also controlled by God. So if God is controlling everything, why would He have created homosexuals, Jews, and all of the other people whom you say He hates? Why, for that matter, would He have created this country which tolerates the people whom you say He hates? Let me take this thought in a slightly different direction: If someone who was upset with the beliefs of your church threw a brick through your window, would that mean that God hates your church? Thank you for your time and consideration, as I am sure that you have been swamped with emails lately on account of your recent media coverage.

-David [Really Smart Doomed American]


 First let me say, we are thankful for the Lord who doeth all things well for publishing this message far and wide that has come before your eyes. We know He does not need any of us for this work but that it seemeth good unto Him to do so – we are most blessed! YAY!

So YES, God created all. He created the masses of mankind that will end it hell (the default is hell for 99.9999% of humans)- because HE WANTED TO! Read Romans 9. Yes, read it! You said you like to do research, so get busy:)! He calls them ‘vessels of wrath fitted for destruction’. His prerogative!

He created a remnant of His creation to fix His love upon, bestow His grace upon and to be shepherded through this life by His Holy Spirit, to preach His blessed Word in the face of massive, violent opposition and to save them only from the imminent destruction that is shortly coming. Again, His prerogative!

And, NO to your silly question about your violence against His people, means He hates us. It is just the opposite and you know it. They only hate us because we put light upon their evil deeds and that enrages them. Christ said that they would hate us for it because they hated Him first. You know that crucifying thing they did to their Savior, because He said, “OBEY ME?” Not good.

So, we count it all joy to suffer for His name. But your deeds are remembered by your God and He shall avenge us. Double YAY!

Now get busy and really do some research. Your life depends on it. Get a Bible! OBEY TODAY! Hear and heed. These are words of life and health and peace to them that would hear and heed. You should read the blogs Dave. They are answers to rebel questions. Like your questions Dave. They are full of doctrine and scripture to help you understand.

Thanks for writing!

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