Patrick McIlheran: Shall Evil Be Recompensed For Good? (Jeremiah 18:20) Pretty-Boy Pat: Wisdom Has Perished From The Wise! (Jeremiah 18:19) Look In The Mirror

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Yes, you columnists have systematically tried to marginalize us – often many of you threaten to never speak of us again.  Yet here we are, publishing to the whole world, with you folks lending a big helping hand, at this hour writing literally hundreds of columns about us – always reminding this nation America is Doomed and God Hates Fags.  Because our God doeth all things well; and it’s not about us and it’s not about you; it’s about God.  He has determined these words will get out and he will make the wrath of man praise him, and the remainder will he restrain, Ps. 76:10.  You and your colleagues and praising God and too blind to even see it.  How cool is that?

As for that whole “swaying beliefs” thing – not our mission!  Our mission is to publish.  This is one of those dynamics you would understand if you’d actually ever read the Bible.  Almost no one in this nation has, least of all the “preachers.”  When God sent Isaiah forth to preach to doomed Israel, he told him that he was going to harden the hearts, blind the eyes, and stop up the ears of the people, so they would not take correction, would not understand, and would not obey.  So you can imagine that prompted Isaiah to have a follow up question, to wit, for how long Lord?  Answer?  Until every city is gone – no one is left standing.  Paul incorporated these words in his words to the Jews in Rome just two years before they executed him for preaching; you can read about it in the last chapter of Acts.  So we are very clear on how the people will respond and why.  And we are equally clear on the fact that when the prophets are sent to warn people; then they ignore and mock and misuse the prophets; they are cut off without remedy.  We know all these things, Pat, because we can read.  And we also know our Ezekiel 33 duty; the blood of the rebels of this nation will not be on our hands.  I suspect a good sloshing amount of it will be on yours.  Awkward.

You’re welcome on “pretty boy.”  It actually wasn’t meant as a compliment but if that helps you sleep better, take it as you wish.

Do be a darling and see to it that the letter I sent you is published.





Dear WBC:


Thanks, first, for reading my blog post and for taking the time to write. You might note that this isn’t the first time I’ve written uncomplimentary things about your protest: Back in January 2006, I believe I used the phrase “appalling indecency” for a Westboro protest that insisted, outside his funeral, that a Wisconsin soldier killed in action was roasting in hell.


And, I pointed out, it seemed unlikely to sway anyone’s beliefs. Who know – perhaps I was wrong. Still, one could debate the rightness of a form of evangelism that would seem to lead many to think that sin is somehow right.


Still, I’m tickled that you referred to me as a “pretty-boy crybaby.” That’s the first time in about 45 years anyone called me pretty. I shall have to be careful not to let it go to my head.






Patrick McIlheran

editorial columnist

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Dear editor,


This responds to Patrick McIlheran’s column where he lazily repeated part of Ann Coulter’s column on our faithful street testimony to this rebellious nation. 


Look at the wild-eyed sorcerer and sorceress declaring war on the judges!  Bellowers have no respect for the laws of God or man.  These blowhards would behead anyone who says words they don’t like, while demanding the right to scream meaningless nothings ‘til our ears bleed.


Forget about your goofy conservative-vs-liberal jabber.  Only one standard matters—God’s.  The Bible is plain: no fornication, adultery (divorce/remarriage), homosexuality (or same-sex marriage), murder (born and unborn), or idolatry (worshiping yourself, uniforms, bunnies, the dead, or anything else but God). 


God doesn’t need big-mouthed faux-blonds or pretty-boy crybaby cowards reinventing the wheel.  Read the words!


It’s not enough that parents and preachers taught whole generations God is a liar, it’s OK to be gay, and no worries about the raping priests.  Then they sent those kids to the battlefield without any moral compass, putting them in the cross-hairs of an enraged God.


Worse, when they came home in body bags – faithless families turned their funerals into boisterous self-indulgent patriotic pep rallies, with politicians, military and media piled up with mouths and flags flapping.   It’s a disgrace!


STOP SINNING, AND THEY’LL STOP DYING.  We stood over a thousand feet from that funeral, leaving before it started, obeying all laws, humbly entreating you thusly.  It’s on you that you rage instead of repent.  Don’t pretend your britches are bunched up about us being in the vicinity peacefully picketing.  You hate the words because you don’t want to stop sinning.  Period.


It’s too late for the dead soldiers.  All of Ann’s rants will not bring one of them back.  It will soon be too late for this nation.  Your doom is imminent.  OBEY!


Picketing member of Westboro Baptist Church


PS  Props to these two false-hearts for publishing the signs.  That was a nice touch!  Keep up that good work. 



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