Planes, Trains And Automobiles

Dont take Obamas Mark Rev 14



An article was published yesterday by the Huffington Post, entitled: “Why I love the Westboro Baptist Church”.  The upshot of the article was this:  WBC is vile, and because her preachments are so universally despised, it has caused the entire nation to rally around the gay rights banner, and brought about support for the Same Sex Marriage juggernaut. Similarly, the Antichrist in Chief, used his bully pulpit to proclaim to the world that Americans are united in their universal hatred of WBC and her preaching.  He, being the most powerful man in the world at this hour, used that power to frame mischief by a law – saying I don’t have any business using my governmental authority to speak about WBC’s religion … but … while we’re on the topic … I hate their religion!  They’re rep-re-hensible!

In fact, here’s a pretty picture that shows just how much everyone in America hates them!  Well, Mr. Beast, sir – Mr. fierce advocate for Same-Sex Marriage – Mr. never met a baby I didn’t want to murder – Mr. Nimrod incarnate:  We at the WBC are THRILLED that you have all taken a side in this spiritual war, in fact, our gospel preaching is designed to make you do JUST THAT!  You must declare – are you for God, or are you for Satan?  There is no middle ground – there is no straddling the fence, and it is personal!  Each and every person will be accountable on that great and terrible day, when the books are opened, and every man is called to give an account before the Judgment Seat.  At that hour, your fancy little animated map will be of no use.  At that hour, the fact that you all agree will be mocked – though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished, but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

The humble servants of God at the Westboro Baptist Church take particular comfort in the slippery words that Obama spoke, because they put us in wonderful company.  Obama called us “reprehensible”.  That word means “worthy of rebuke and condemnation; blameworthy”.  Blameworthy!  Really?  We’re to blame? Amazing!

Let’s get some scriptural perspective on this. In Acts 17, the howling mob chasing after Paul and Silas referred to them as “they who have turned the world upside down”.  In 2 Kings 6, God was punishing Israel for their continual idolatry, this time in the form of a brutal siege at the hands of Syria.  Upon seeing the gruesome, cannibalistic desperation of his people, wicked King Jehoram responded by vowing that Elisha the prophet would be headless by the time the sun set, as though HE had caused their woes.  In 1 Kings 18, after the Lord God (not that lazy heifer Mother Nature) had brought a 3 year drought upon Israel for their awful sins, Ahab says to Elijah the prophet – “Art thou he that troubleth Israel?”  And so you see, WBC is in good company.  When a rebellious people refuse to humble themselves under the mighty, punishing hand of God, they invariably blame God’s messengers for their troubles.

And so it goes now … Let’s check the headlines:

  • Unprecedented wildfires in Colorado.
  • Wildfires in Arizona with 19 dead firefighters (the only survivor on the team was the watchman … what’s wrong with that picture?)
  • Train wreck in Canada – not even sure how many are dead, because apparently dozens of bodies were vaporized.  How are you going to ID them?  Maybe look for shadows burnt into the walls, like at Hiroshima.
  • Plane crash in Alaska –  killing all 10 on board.
  • Plane crash in San Francisco – 2 dead and hundreds injured, including paralysis!  Now, there was only 1 dead, but get this picture: you’ve survived a plane crash, are out of the plane, and on the runway, and then SMACK – you get run over by the ambulance that’s coming to save you.  Make that 2 dead.  God is not running out of ways to deal with you, my friends.

So, Mr. Obama – we will join with our forefather Elijah in answering your satanic charge that we are to blame for these things:  We have not troubled America, but thou, and thy Father Satan’s house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, and that thou hast followed your many lusts and idols.  The avenging hand of God Almighty is just getting warmed up, and we at WBC are rejoicing all along the way, and earnestly praying for more:

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me. I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy. [Deuteronomy 32: 39-42]


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