Stop Raising Your Daughters To Be Whores And Sons To Be Meth Heads

Dear WBC –

Britney and ashley were daughters of god and for you to pass judgement onto them and onto Thier loved ones means you are betraying god, trying to pass judgment for him. God had a plan for these women. To picket Thier funeral shames god and it is you that shall be punished.

You’ll see when you yourself don’t meet god upon your death, but the devil himself. 



Hello, Lexi –

Yes, God did have a plan for these young ladies.  He raised them up in an apostate doomed generation, and sent a killer — raised by the “loving Christians” of this cursed land — to kill them.  So their death and funeral would be turned into a public free-for-all, with all the eyes of the nation watching.  So Westboro Baptist Church servants of God could come to that scene, and enter that public discussion, and tell you to stop raising your daughters to be whores.  That way you — and everyone else raging against God over this matter — would be without excuse when you stand before the Judgment Seat.  STOP RAISING YOUR DAUGHTERS TO BE WHORES AND SONS TO BE METH HEADS.  Teach them to fear, obey and serve God.  Get it?  Is this thing on?!


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