Every Human Must Repent Of Their Grievous Sins Against God And Submit To Christ … Jews Included!

You people suffer from a chronic and incurable sickness, called “Jew-itis”. This disease is thousands of years old, and plagued many great powers and regimes – all of whom perished from it.
The Philistines, the Ancient Greeks, the Ancient Romans, the Ancient Egyptians and the Nazis with all of their Jew-hating puppets – to name a few. They all perished – each and every one.
I understand and sympathize with your suffering. Jew-itis is a stone in your gut that you can never digest or spit out. I don’t envy you.


Jewitis? Really? Isn’t it really time to get some gravity? It’s only your soul we are talking about here.
Westboro Baptist Church are your only true friends – urging all to repent and obey the One True God. The rebellious Jewish ancestors killed their Savior and cast that murderous deed upon their progeny (Matthew 27). They all must repent of that great sin, seek forgiveness and humbly submit to Christ. In fact, every man must repent of their grievous sins against God and submit to Christ. And what joy shall we have but to be able to minister to all our Jewish and Gentile brethren one day and be of one mind and one body and one spirit? The Church, the Bride of Christ, is making herself ready, TODAY!
Now, THAT is the kindest and most loving thing we can offer you – that you would heed these words and flee the wrath to come.
Don’t you agree, Yan?
Your friends at Westboro Baptist Church

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