The War Is Raging… TODAY!

Dear WBC, I am currently working on a research paper that discuss the different views of premillennialist churches. After reading through your main website as well as the BeastObama site, I am still trying to figure out what your stance on the end times is. If Obama is the AntiChrist and we are watching America sink further into immorality and destruction, when will the Rapture occur? At what point do Christians get to leave behind this world while the Great War laid out in Revelation plays out before Christ establishes His reign? Thank you,


Obama has many of the indications that he is the Anti-Christ. We wait on the Lord and watch. We do not know the time table. What we know is the ‘signs of the times,’ that is the wholesale acceptance of homosexuality to the point of fags marrying, is a harbinger that the end is rapidly approaching. The Lord told us what conditions would be like on the earth upon His return in power and glory – that of the days of Noah when the sin of the homosexuals was glorified to the point of them marrying and the days of Lot when the sodomites had a choke-hold on every level of their society. We are there now, world-wide.

Our job is to make it crystal clear that we are in those days and that the Lord is soon to return in wrath and fury with a host of angels. Any sincere God-fearing soul will hear that call and come out of this doomed generation and serve God in spirit and in truth. God’s people are engaged in the wars of the Lord TODAY. The battle is raging TODAY. There is no sideline army in the Lord’s church.

Right now we focus on what we KNOW that has been revealed in His Holy Word and submit to that. That is a life’s work.

Thanks for writing!
Your friends at Westboro Baptist Church

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