WBC Will Be Ready Always To Give An Answer — Even To Every Rebel’s Hard Speeches!

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Dear Hard-Speech Joe Bob – you are one of the mainstays of this final generation of Doomed american rebels against God with no cause.

First, you need to disabuse yourself of the notion that just because you hard-hearts come forward with hard speeches, that we now have imposed upon us a standard not imposed by God! We are not instructed to justify ourselves to you hatin rebels! We are instructed to be ready always to answer any man for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear! Yes – that is what you get!

First, I edit your email below to put some discipline to your mess (you rack-a-dis-aprin).

Attn: WBC
Subect: Q&A


It is no secret that the WBC has cause much huff and puff in the media world. With almost daily updates from google news, and numerous reports on youtube, its easy to say people like to talk about you.

My name is Joe Bob I’m a amateur (read VERY amateur) blogger/videoer hoping to do a Q&A with someone in the WBC. This email isn’t here to bash or insult WBC.

I honestly want to know what is going on in your collective heads.
If OK, I’ll just talk about my head, and what I know.


1. Most mainstream religions of the day (both Monotheistic and Polytheistic) preach some form of a loving/compasionate divine being and words of goodness and redemption. What was the reason you deviated from this, and why do you think a message of hate (as in God hates x) will be more effective? To be more specific, why do you think a “God hates x” bumper sticker, would be more effective than a “Jesus loves you” sticker?

We know from a reading of the scriptures that the ONLY effective method of speaking about God is from His word. That means you have to say what HIS word says and add nothing more or less. So we talk about the God of the Bible and you think it is a strange thing. HOW do we arrive at the hour when mankind generally is dirt dumb about what the Bible says.

2. Your group bases its works around the belief expressed by its best known slogan and the address of its primary Web site, God Hates Fags, asserting that every tragedy in the world is linked to homosexuality. What is the line of thinking (and proof there of) that one group of people are responsible for the world’s problems?

The Bible-based answer is that all things flow from and depend upon God. Period. Nothing happens in this world except as directed by God and what you see before your eyes is His unfolding providence. Included in God’s word is the requirement that His creation obey Him. Your NO-OBEY takes a path and here a little, there a little and eventually, you have prophets on the ground telling you plain words that you hate and then you have confirmation of those words in the form of horrible destruction as you see at this very hour, pouring out all over this earth. Hear that rod across the back of Japan, and WHO APPOINTED IT!

3. I am interested in what passages of the bible and by Christ state that homosexuality is a sin. Do these also include lines on how this is an automatic ticket to hell for themselves and everyone around them?

Sit back and relax, you have some reading to catch up on, to wit: http://bit.ly/hwFazz This might get you a good start on the scripture that discusses this matter.

4. One of the testaments of your faith is the God hates humanity and all of her people are going to hell. The WBC is quoted as saying “There are over 1 billion Catholics in the world-that’s one out of every six people alive today-and every single one of them will split Hell wide open when they die-period. And there is nothing they can do about it.” If this is the case, then why in this video (Skip ahead to 2:41 to about 4:00) does Shirley Phelps use the argument “If Jesus did not die for my sins I am going to hell”. Considering the bible professes this man did indeed die for our sins (which she also says herself), why can Ms. Phelps use this as a valid argument when the rest of America can not?

Taking your questions one at a time, The Catholic pedophile monster does not serve God. If you have cast your lot in with them, you have objective evidence that you do not serve God. If you do not serve God, you go to hell! Christ said that out of the abundance of the heart, words are spoken, actions are engaged in. If you have a evil heart of unbelief in God and His word, you give that fact away by the conduct you are engaged in.

Next question. Why did Shirley Phelps-Roper (That would be me) say that if God did not die for my sins, I will go to hell.

Because, if God did not die for my sins, I have no payment for my debt, so I must pay that myself, and the debt is only paid in hell.

Moving to the next section, I see editing is in order, because looking at your first line, I see you quit preaching and went to meddling with some nonsense about “socially questionable” signs. That makes me think of a song – and the line that begins like this: SHUT-UP BRUTE! Oh, and speaking of songs, I am attaching our audios and videos. Enjoy! Learn and listen and enjoy! Just sayin!

1. Many of your signs state “God hates America” “Thank God for 9/11″ and “Thank God for dead soldiers” Why?

Because this nation has instituted rebellion against the commands of God at every level of this society and God has promised such a nation as this that they, having defiled the very land, will be vomited out of the land! Total destruction is imminent!

2. Why do you live, work, shop (and thereby take care of your family’s needs), follow laws of, and use the services of this nation?

Because this is where the Lord our God put us. He said that we must love our neighbor from where he put us. He said warn your neighbor that his sin will take him to hell. He said – your neighbor is going to ask you impudent and truly stupid questions, that come from an evil heart of unbelief, but you stay on message. God said arrogant rebels will suggest that you are not entitled to live if you obey me, but do it anyway, because I will be your protection and your guide and your help and stay! Obey me only! SO Joe Bob, we do just that.

NOTE: Since the rest of that drivel was so embarrassing for you, I just delete and pretend you did not barf out that kind of blather.

3. I have a goofy question, but I’m so determined to be insulting with my words, that I can’t articulate an actual question, so skip this one. OK

4. In this video, along with numerous other things, Ms Phelps states that “America bombed our church to stop our preaching”. Was this an exaggeration or was your church really bombed? (Was there news printed on this?)

You can read all about that bomb on the front page of the www.godhatesfags.com. You can see the media that went along with it. You decide if it is exaggerated. It was an IED or Roadside Bomb; the #1 killer of the brats of Doomed america in Iraq and Afghanistan.

5. A wise person once said “violence breeds violence and peace breeds peace”. In the same video above (6:55min-ish) it stated by MS Phelps’s (in response to a question of the acts committed against the WBC)”I thought this was the do your own thing generation, tolerance, love, where is it?” With what many would call extremists views and actions, how can you call for such peace towards yourself when your church does not do onto others as it would itself?

The wisdom of Solomon was OBEY GOD! Or you will get His wrath. True dat! As for your fraud about WBC not doing unto others as we would have you do to us, clearly you missed this video: http://twitvid.com/GSDPK Your bald statements filled with tiny nuggets of truth but mostly lies change exactly NOTHING! I’d work on that.

6. A slightly off question (that really has little to do with beliefs or actions) but I always wondered who pays for your police protection?

No that question is EXACTLY on target with the rest of the tone of your questions. So here it is Joe Bob, I will tell you who pays for the police where we live when you tell me, who pays for the police where YOU live. I shall await your reply!

Thank you very much for your time, and hope to hear from you soon!

Thanks for asking.


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