The Church Is A Living Breathing Organism, A Body Of True Believers


Hello WBC,

Thank you very much for taking the time to help me out. I am in a Comparative Religion course and I need to just ask you 10 questions about WBC. Nothing that extensive. I chose the WBC because I find everything you do amazing so I would just like to know more. I know 10 questions is a lot but if you could answer them to the best of your ability it would be greatly appreciated.

1. What is your personal role within the church and how did you come to acquire that position? (How long have you been apart of the WBC as well.)

I’m a member of the church. I acquired that position by making a profession of faith, being baptized, and walking orderly. I’ve been a member for decades; I lost count. I also act as one of the attorneys for the church, because I’m a lawyer, and can help (like all our member attorneys).

2. What makes the Westboro Baptist Church unique from other Baptist Churches?

We tell the truth and obey the Bible. We have an unction with God; He has put His candlestick in this place. This is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. None of these things can be said about any other church, Baptist or otherwise.

3. How does WBC plan to spread their message on a wider scale beyond Topeka, Kansas?

Are you kidding? We have spread this message around the world. We are a household name in this nation, and many others. Daily there are stories about us all over the country and world. This ship has sailed my friend; the whole world knows our testimony and we are preaching to all the nations.

4. How would an individual become a member of your church?

Make a profession of faith; have fruit that is consistent with that profession; be here; fully participate; walk orderly; be baptized.

5. Currently, how many individuals belong to WBC? (Guesstimate is fine)

The perfect number as foreordained by God, and the perfect number to get the attention of the nation/world. We don’t count, but in the range of 40-50.

6. How would you compare yourself to other religions?

We obey the Bible and follow it; the rest are false religions who lie on God every day.

7. What do you feel picketing provides to the church? (Does it work?)

Picketing does for the members of this church what preaching and building an ark did for Noah, to wit, per Heb. 11:7, he saved his soul by obeying God; he saved his household by them getting on the ark and not perishing, and he condemned the world. We also fulfill our Ezekiel 33 duty, when God brings the sword (war, IEDs, destruction, affliction, storms, oil spills, shooters, etc., etc.), we speak up and say “STOP SINNING,” so your blood, when you don’t and are destroyed, is not on our hands. Yes, it works. Our goal is publish; we’ve published like a mug all over the world. God did it. It’s an amazing and marvelous work.

8. Do you have any spiritual beliefs?

We believe in God, who is a spirit. We sow to the spirit, not the flesh. What does this question mean?

9. Does the Westboro Baptist Church have any rules that need to be followed by members? (If so, Who makes the rules?)

The Bible is the rule book. We follow it. All members are bound to follow it. You make this sound like bondage, and that’s how the world sees it. Instead, it is great liberty to obey God; and great bondage to be pickled/preserved/imprisoned in sin like this world. We are thankful to be in this good land and to be citizens of Mt. Zion; we are thankful to have the revealed will of God in His Word; we study it daily; we love it; we bind it up in our heart; we meditate in it day and night; it is life and hope to us. So we want to obey it and strive to obey it. Those are the rules. You’re trying to shoe horn the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ into some country club motif, and it doesn’t work. This is a living breathing organism, a body of true believers, with bright shining light, a vibrant glorious body, led by the Lord Jesus Christ himself.

10. How is the church funded?

Tithes from the members, like the Bible says. Those funds pay for maintaining the place. Our preacher never has and never will take a salary. We pay our own way for the picketing trips. It’s a proper and good way to live. I recommend it.

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