In Case You Didn’t Know – We LOVE To Sing!

baby simon pickets


I’m the organist for a small Methodist church up in rural northern New York, and I was just curious as to what hymns you guys normally sing at your church? What are your favorite hymns? And do you have an organist?



R –

we sing all of the old puritan hymns – here is a link of some hymns that we have recorded for comfort to God’s people.

We like Isaac Watts. We have perhaps the most gifted organist in the world, and we also have a pianist extraordinaire. Our pastor wrote a hymn that we had arranged and recorded. You can find it in the audio index I refer to above. The hymn is called ‘O, Thou High Exalted Saviour’. It sings praises to the name of our King and comforts our hearts. We also have many music parodies recorded, whereby we give proper words to the filthy songs of this generation as a preaching tool in these last dark days. You can listen to some of them in the ‘parodies’ tab of the audio index above. Finally, we have archived all of pastor Phelps’ sermons over the past 10 years or so.


Thanks for writing

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