God Hates Australia




Subject: Incorrect Statisyics

I just read on your site (www.godhatestheworld.com) that you say , quote, “divorce rate in Australia is 46 %” I just researched this and it is actually 30% [Ed. Not even close, but nice try]. It is actually 46% in America [Ed. Wrong again. Much to america’s shame, 46% is too low of a figure], so I say What the fuck is wrong with YOU people. You quite obviously have your heads panted firmly up your own asses. If you’re going to dribble on and put percentages on your site, hire someone with at least 2 brain cells and do some research. The whole world knows how ignorant and insular America is, that’s why the rest of the world hates you.Most frustrating thing for the world is the fact that America, the land of the FREE? (what a joke)just doesn’t get it. Feel free to fuck yourself to death, dickheads.



Hello Andy-

Pettifog much? The fact that you have any divorce in Australia testifies against you in God’s eyes and makes His condign wrath all the more appropriate, such as Queensland flooding and Cyclone Yasi. And of course, God hates this godless nation of america too for persecuting His people at WBC and for their own disobedience as well.

We’ve done our research; it is reported by The Record news outlet this very day, that the divorce rate is 40% (http://www.therecord.com.au/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2284&Itemid=27). It is estimated that the actual divorce rate is closer 43% when unreported separations are taken into account. So we’ll make that change to our website. Thanks for pointing that out, although you didn’t mean it to be so.

Thanks for writing; your destruction is imminent.

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