Field Report — Beverly Hills, CA — 01.16.11 … There Are Lots Of Foolish Rebels In Hollywood — And Now They’re Chopping Body Parts Off Up In There!

Hollywood CA - Globe - 011611

Ricky Gervais closed the Golden Globes ceremony by thanking God for making him an atheist. More on that…

WBC’s Picket of the 2011 Golden Globes

January 16, 2011 3:00-5:00pm West Coast time.

(Psalm 14:1 – The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
Psalm 53:1 – The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.)

WBC told you the Golden Globes is full of international rebels. We traveled to Beverly Hills to tell you to your faces. Hundreds of California brutes passed by and most had the same scoffing sentiment, to wit: where is promise of His coming? Since the fathers fell asleep ALL things continue as they were before. (2 Peter 3:3-4) “There is no God” screamed one (then why are you so angry?). “Superman is better than Jesus!” yelled another (then why did he die from pneumonia after being made a paraplegic by God?). “If there is a God and He’s angry, why am I still alive?” (because God is toying with you, Ecclesiastes 8:11).

No original arguments, but notice the dialogue has changed significantly from 20 years ago. Nobody is arguing, anymore about whether what they are doing is wrong. They know it’s wrong, but now their position is “Whatcha gonna do about it, God?!” No longer a pretense that they are talking to just another human on general policy/public issues. Every word that issues from Mount Zion is immediately republished so when we stand on any street, anywhere, the disobedient children come straight away to argue about the only thing any creature in God’s creation cares about: HOPE of a day where every man SHALL give an answer. These are the things the prophets and the angels desire(d) to look into (1Peter 1:10-12) (Don’t think, “oh that’s kind of interesting, I think I’ll look into that.”; think “I’m vitally interested to the point of obsessive distraction, I must find the answer as my never-dying soul must know the answer or I will die of the longing to know the answer, and therefore I shall sell all I own to obtain those things necessary to FIND the answer!!!”).

Let’s be clear, Annette Bening/Warren Beatty (adulterers!), your father the Devil (John 8:44) KNOWS there is a God, a standard, and a Day of Judgment. You each know it, too (Romans 1:20). That is why you ask us “Is Johnny Depp going to hell?” You know he is a whore, and a rebel against God, and inventor of evil things. That’s why your consciences scream at you, so you say the signs with truth are “disturbing”. That is the goal, to disturb you from your drug/scorcery-enduced sleep. You’re welcome! And stop pretending you are “heartbroken” about that daughter of yours trying to change both her gender and her name (both first and last) — YOU INSISTED THAT SHE BE A FULL-BLOWN REBEL FREAK … now live with her chopping body parts off and such.

Then we three thankful nobodies winged our way back home, amazed at the simplicity of the gospel which all would do well to take hold of and keep as a close companion. But as another drunk, fat ugly brutish whorish Brit said in his more sober moment(s): “Men often stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing has happened.” – Winston Churchill

Praise God, said our Lord Jesus Christ (as He rejoiced in spirit), for hiding these thing from the wise and prudent, but hast revealed them unto babes. Luke 10:21

There is a lot of rejoicing going on in the camp of the King. Not so much with these earth-dwellers; sucks to be them.


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