God Kills And God Makes Alive, Therefore Imagine The New Heaven If You Can


I wish I could understand the reasoning why my deceased father Kenneth Curtis Groves could run for Lieutenant Governor with you, Fred Phelps. My father has been an active lifelong member of the NAACP in Kansas and an exceptional Union Member at the postal service for many decades. I was a young child but I do remember being with my father and meeting you and your large family. I heard through the years how you were a highly controversial person in your beliefs. I had no idea to what degree what your hate has reached to. I am a Christian mother of 2 and a wife. I love God and I love people, and I am grateful I have it in my heart to forgive the sins of others. But to say God hates other people and would wish them to be harmed or dead is incomprehensible. To say Good that 4 kids have died, or to say Good that soldiers have been killed, is beyond my understanding. I would like to understand how anyone can approve of misery and death.


I will pray for you and your “followers”, for I do not get the feeling you are truly Christian. There has to be something evil inside an organization to make them say the things they say and do.




Dear Jennifer –


You could have gone all your life without blaspheming God. 


GOD holds the breath of life in His hands, HE kills and HE makes alive and HE said BE YE THANKFUL!  Thank God when He executes righteous judgment against a nation of rebels. 


Doomed america’s destruction is IMMINENT!  You should keep quiet and get the Bible and READ the words and OBEY.  You should not use your dead dad to reach out and blaspheme God.  God’s wrath is abiding upon this nation. 


Speaking of Imagining – we have a BEAUTIFUL and timely parody of the dead rebel, John Lennon. It is a gift from God to have these singing servants on the ground at this hour, we are thereby able to talk to you in the language that you understand.


http://twaud.io/PxH  "Imagine"






Imagine the new heavens

It’s easy if you try

A new hell below us

Christ is coming through the sky

Imagine all the people

No more sin; they’ll just obey


Imagine shattered countries

It isn’t hard to do

The sin they kill and die for

Their false religions too

Imagine all the rebels

Brought to obedience


You – oo – oo – hoo – You are all just filthy dreamers You know the Last Day’s gonna come You know in hell you will meet up All the world to judgment’s come


Imagine the coronation

Of that most Precious Lamb

No longer will you pre-tend

That God loves every man

Imagine all the righteous

Judging all the world!


You – oo – oo – oo – You all know that day is coming All mankind has always known A whole new earth and heavens Christ is seated on his throne!


Anathema, Maranatha

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