Field Report ~ Wichita, KS ~ 10/30/10: Woe, Wicked Wichita!


 Wicked Wichita 103010


(Field Report – October 20, 2010)

Wichita, Kansas sits nearly in the heart of Doomed america.  She is a city whose unlawfulness is legendary, resulting in the local law enforcement being prohibited from wearing the blue typically associated with that profession.

More importantly, Wichita has been the seat of much affliction against the servants of God over the past 50+ years, and particularly since the street ministry of Westboro Baptist Church began nearly 20 years ago.

Wichita was the site of WBC’s first funeral picket.  The first time WBC testified to this generation that the death of a human is not a time of celebration and deceit – but a time to mourn your sins, fear God, hear His truth about eternity, and repent.  The inhabitants of Wichita will not hear that simple, blessed message.

So when WBC sent her servants onto the streets of Wichita – to again warn them to flee the wrath to come rather than worship a dead body and rage against the God who killed him – the inhabitants were customarily criminal.  And, the law enforcement was customarily unprofessional and brutish.

No matter, my friends.  What saith the scriptures on these matters?  What should those who love God and fear His name learn from seeing how Satan moves within his children to torment and afflict the just?

Let us make a synopsis-type examination of a blessed passage in 2 Peter to see how it plays out for the glory of God and the edification of his people.  The desire of every servant of God is to partake of the "divine nature" – that is, as it is put in Romans regarding those who are foreknown (fore-loved) by God and predestinated "to be conformed to the image of his Son" (Romans 8:29).  We want to have the full robe of righteousness clothing us about – so that when we stand before God, we will be found worthy to enter into His Kingdom!

We look, therefore, evidence that we have the blessings upon us that God provides exclusively to those for whom he took payment from His Son, Jesus Christ, on the tree.  The blessings bring a daisy-chain of characteristics:  Faith, Knowledge, Temperance; Patience; Godliness; Brotherly kindness; and Charity.

Faith – that gift of God (Ephesians 2:8) that is given without merit to those whom God chose before the foundation of the earth – is the foundation of all.  Where you find a man who hates predestination – you find a child of Satan who has no faith.

Knowledge – that understanding of what scripture teaches about the nature of the elect persons, their duties toward each other, toward mankind, and toward God.  This includes what the reprobate (those whom God left pickled in their sins to die unsaved and spend eternity in hell) will think about and do to them.  Further, what God has in store for those reprobate in return for their wickedness (e.g., Matthew 18:7).  When you search the scriptures daily, your knowledge of these matters increases and it influences how you live your life – but only if you have saving faith!  Many of Satan’s messengers have knowledge – but no faith!

Temperance – that ability to know that the things of this earth are all of God and given to Christ for use and disposal in leading those for whom He died through the vicissitudes of life and finally to glory.  All these things, therefore, are for us to use but not to abuse!  We do not, therefore, run to any excess!  Excess of food, drink, human affection, riches, etc., are the works of the flesh and not of the Spirit!  Abstain from fleshly lusts – we are instructed – which war against the soul!  Lusts are simply a pursuit of things beyond the temperate measure with which we are to make use of them.  When we see the perversity of the lust-driven men and women of this generation – particularly upon seeing the words of warning and damnation from our signs against such sins of the flesh – we learn the true value of temperance.  When we see that our goods are spoiled – and yet our Father provides us with all we need for life and for godliness – we learn temperance.

Patience – Joseph Caryl, in his exposition of the book of Job, identifies that the greatest trial of our faith is when we see the wicked continuing apparently unpunished for their sins and their offenses against us for telling them the truth.  Where better to learn of patience than to experience a complete breakdown of lawful order, a complete abandonment of any earthly protection from violence, open deceit from the mouths of those upon whom we must rely for safety – not mere incompetence, but malice?  There is where you learn to be patient and wait upon the Lord your God for deliverance.  There is where you see God’s amazing work in turning the hearts and minds of men to confuse their counsel, thwart their mischief, and render them impotent to stop what they despise most – the words of God!

This is a field report.  These are the portions of the daisy chain that apply to how we see and deal with the wickedness of the inhabitants of (and visitors to) Wichita on October 30, 2010.  the remaining blessings are reserved for discussion among the elect – for they have to do with those amazing effects on the life and employments of those for whom God has sworn (and delivered upon) blessings innumerable in this world and hereafter life everlasting.

So, the wickedness of Wichita is great – and the reward will be equal to it when, as Enoch prophesied "Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, ¶ To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." (Jude 14-15)

Wichita doesn’t get a pass, for she will fall with Babylon (Doomed america), and the fall of her will be great! (Matthew 7:27)

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