There Will Be Mockers In The Last Time, Who Should Walk After Their Own Ungodly Lusts

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Hi Justin Kendall –


So, you have an angry rebel at the Pitch that has no truth in him, just a lot of rage!  I wrote a nice song for his mood.  You might like it.


Remember Justin – back in the day, I told you that the path of this little undoing of Doomed america included the wrath of God and a war that this nation cannot win and our insistence on these standards of God!  I think I told you that we would come to a day when we would NOT shut up and you would not take it.


So when that little rodent that wrote blasphemy about Christ crying and put that sissy photo up, he put additional crosshairs over MO.


So when you woke up to a nice new day and God gave Missouri a new headline:  Mother and two kids found dead on Thanksgiving. well, congratulations.  That woman and her five-year-old daughter and her 5-month-old son were appointed to that wrath, to pay for the rebellion of Missouri, every last bit of it. And, worse and more is on the way.   Our prayers, a sweet savor to God are wafting up daily now, to bring the unrelenting rebellion of MO before his face.  God hears our prayers, and it is a righteous thing for God to recompense tribulation on them that trouble us.  How foolish are you.  And, as if your deeds were not bad enough, you fools that call yourself media, compound those crimes with your lies.   The truth would have done for that Harrisonville situation. 


He should have reported that WBC was a third + of a mile away.  That, pursuant to our custom, our picket had a beginning time and an ending time.  That pursuant to the rebellion of Missouri and the cowardice of those that took an oath to secure all persons in the peaceful enjoyment of their First Amendment rights, the raging mob set upon those travelers as they headed for their car.  Then, like a fool, one fell to the ground behind the van.  That dummy could have been run over.  How stupid was that?  Then, you should have reported that because of that folly, and the reveling of the masses over it (and why?), that our preachments flew around the world!  YAY! 




As for that song, it was one of two; I will send the other for the fluffy side of life, but equally good.


Don’t ask, just enjoy!


Your best friend,




Responding to this article:

Displaying a craven distrust in the power of a deity they claim to worship as an omnipotent omniscient master, members of the Westboro Baptist Church fled from an angry mob Tuesday morning.

In recent years the church has made headlines by attributing celebrity deaths and natural disasters to the unknowable will of an all powerful God displeased by a wicked world. However, when confronted by the angry shouts of a few dozen Missourians, the group crammed themselves into a van and sped away to hide rather than trust in Jesus Christ and his flaming sword of justice.

Westboro Baptist Church was tested when they attempted to picket the funeral of Jacob Carver in Harrisonville. 

Carver, 20, was killed in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber. Ironically, Carver’s murderer was a religious fanatic so convinced of his righteousness he was willing to dynamite himself. Westboro Baptist, on the other hand, was reduced to hiding behind police officers who only protected them because they were paid to do so.

The Kansas church was met by members of the Patriot Guard and other volunteers, who formed a human wall preventing WBC from getting close to the funeral. Shouting escalated on both sides. Finally, fearing they would be forced into an eternity of unfathomable love and wisdom with the Heavenly Father, the church members ran to hide inside a black GMC Safari. Then they went home where no one could bother them. 

Jesus Christ – weeping and confused at the cowardice of those who should know that all things are possible through him – could not be reached for comment.

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