Yes, Rachel, McAlester OK Will Be Preached To




I am with the McAlester News-Capital and I recently viewed a flier from your website that says your message is “to be preached in respectful, lawful proximity to the memorial of Sgt. Jason McCluskey” on Sat. What I would like to know is: Do you plan to send members of your group here to McAlester to protest/preach at this funeral; If so, what are your plans for this demonstration?; and If so, Why are you doing this? You can email me back or call me at [number removed]. Rachel


Dear Rachel Petersen –


I tried to call the number below and got a fax machine. Yes, we will be at that funeral. Your mayor needs to remember his oath. Your people need to remember that the God that gave them life and that took the life of Sgt. Jason McCluskey is the God that they are messing with. He said that your duty is to fear and OBEY him! That lad was taught that God is a liar and that his commandments are on the table for disposal at HIS will. They are not. He has been cut off by the God that he defied. The time has grown so very short. The destruction of this nation is IMMINENT! Therefore, we run fast and light and get to as many places as we can possibly get to make sure that when the land begins to sputter and spew and vomit out these rebellious inhabitants, you will NOT be standing around saying – “WHY is this happening?!” You will KNOW it is because you would NOT put away your idols, false gods and filthy manner of life and OBEY your God!





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