“And Thou Shalt Teach Them (God’s Commandments) Diligently Unto Thy Children, And Shalt Talk Of Them When Thou Sittest In Thine House, And When Thou Walkest By The Way, And When Thou Liest Down, And When Thou Risest Up” Deuteronomy 6:7

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From: Ryan
Subject: Term Paper Questions – The Children Of The Wbc


How interesting that you ask about this at the current hour.  The children of WBC seem to be on the minds of many rebels in Doomed america.  One rebel wrote a disingenuous letter to the editor or our local paper, so our grown children answered, and here it is:


Letter to the Editor: Just ask us

We are the children of Westboro Baptist Church, who have reached adult age and serve God. The Topeka Capital-Journal printed a letter recently from a woman who hates our church, letting her presume to speak for us. How dare you.

We have grown up picketing. We are on your streets literally every day. You know us and we know you. We go to public schools and take jobs in your communities. We achieve academic excellence and receive scholarships, pay taxes and obey your laws. Some of us even now have children of our own. You know our manner of life.

We know that our peers have been taught all their lives to mock God, his standard and his people. We know they fornicate early and often, and all their thoughts and "prayers" are about what they want. They’ve been taught to "pray" amiss, for their lust, which conceives sin, which brings forth death – spiritual and often literal. We know they’ve been aggressively taught it’s OK to be gay. We see they are disrespectful and unhappy, with no clarity or moorings. Their lives are marred by abortion, STDs, sexual assaults, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, financial uncertainty, unfaithful parents and other woes. Not to mention what they face after life. It’s truly sad.

We have siblings who do not want to live as the Bible says to live. You watch like vultures and know any time someone leaves. You make much sport and mock of it, and even have plans for an uncle we’ve never met to be here to badmouth us in public presentations this very month.

Don’t pretend you don’t know that if a child comes to years in this church and doesn’t want to live this way, she or he is perfectly free to leave, and immediately has a network of support. They go out from us because they are not of us, 1 John. 2:19. Christ: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me," John. 10:27. "If you love me, keep my commandments," John. 14:15.

We’ve watched your sin and pride increase exponentially all our lives. We hear you say awful things about our pastor and parents, and now us. Nothing is sacred with you. We’ve told you plainly your sin is bringing your destruction. As the letter said, you’d be better off not knowing, and you’re mad because we’ve made sure you know.

Every parent has as their most important duty the duty to teach their children what the Bible says. Almost no one does that today.

Our parents did. We are thankful for that. More, we are thankful that we have been sanctified – not isolated – in our hearts by the grace and tender mercies of the Lord our God. You pretend to care about us, but we know you mean to bring us sorrow. Your words aren’t persuasive. You have no credibility with us because we know how you live. Daily, we watch you respond to simple words on signs with rage, instead of going to the Bible and reading the words. We’ve traveled the nation; you are the worst! Where is your indignation and letters of sweeping "concern" about children over priests raping them!

It’s joy to us that we’ve been counted worthy to be part of the last generation of this doomed nation. We have no interest in the "friendly social contact" of this world – been there, done that, not interested. We are happy, thankful, settled, clear-headed and pure-hearted. How many of your children can honestly say that?

Next time you want to print some words about what we think or do or why, ask us – we don’t need anyone to speak for us.

Unlike most of our generation, we have been taught to think, reason and be honest about what the Bible says. We are ready always to give an answer for the reason for the hope that is in us.


The letter was signed by the 15 adult children of WBC.

(Link: http://cjonline.com/opinion/2010-04-19/letter_just_ask_us)


The unanswered questions are answered below in red!


1. How many children belong to the WBC?   This question is unclear.


2. Do all of them practice the same belief as you, have any left the church?  All of the minor children of WBC parents are taught what the Bible says – that is, we READ THE WORDS!  


3. Have they made any friendships at school?  They are friendly people/children, so of course they have friendships, but they don’t waste time at that endeavor.  They are acquainted with people, but they are about the business of the Great King that we serve!


4. Do they attend any extra curricular activities at school?  They are engaged in sports if that is what you mean.  They attend plays and things if that is what you mean.


5. How are they taught to follow your beliefs?  Well of course silly, just like you are taught the beliefs of your family.  You know, when the little child sings a pagan Christmas song when they are five or six years old, God calls that corrupting them from the womb.  Well, in that same way, we are about the business of teaching them what God requires of them, as set out in his word!  We do NOT teach for doctrines the commandments of men and we don’t substitute their traditions for the Word of God – see Mark 7:7.


6. Have you felt any guilt that the children are scrutinized by peers because of their beliefs?  Heaven’s no!  It is an amazing testimony!! 


7. Would you like to see your children marry?  I have no interest in meddling in a matter that is NOT MINE to meddle in!  I want ONLY good things for my children, and my God knows what that is!  About the time I put my hand to make the call about good things for my children is the day I should CUT OFF my hand!


8. Media wise- Are there specific movies, music, and television shows you allow your children to watch or listen to?  By the time my children are making the call about what they should watch, they have enough sense to know what is acceptable and what has absolutely no redeeming value at all.  Some movies are entertaining or interesting but because Doomed american’s with NO moral compass produced them, they might just all of a sudden plunk down some filthy scene that has NO purpose except to be a filthy scene to flip off God, RIGHT IN HIS FACE, because you could.  We have fast forward on our TV!  YAY!


9.   Do you have any regrets bringing a child in the type of atmosphere they are brought into?  I don’t create humans, God does that!  The certain doom of this nation and the speed with which she is approaching that is a beauty to behold, and it is marvelous before our eyes!!  We have no atmosphere to worry about, BEAUTIFUL for situation and the joy of the WHOLE EARTH is this land where we dwell.  You must have missed Psalm 48!  We are dwelling in Mt. Zion, the City of the Living God!  It is most pleasant and altogether lovely! 


10. Most people believe the children are brainwashed, what is your response to that?  Blah, blah!  What else can you say?  You can’t say that we have lied about the Word of God or that we told you wrong.  So, you say “let’s just pull some nonsense out of our ass because we have nothing else!”  When they went to pull, that’s what came out, so that’s the crap that they threw against the wall to see if it would stick.


I may come up with some more questions thank you for taking the time to answer.


You’re welcome!

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