As For The Upright, He Directeth His Way (Proverbs 21:29)

Good morning,


Tom Murse here from Lancaster Newspapers in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I was wondering why members of the Westboro Baptist Church did not picket at Millersville University this morning, as planned.

Thank you.



Dear Tom Murse –


The destruction of this nation is IMMINENT!!  Therefore, this little flock of slaughter is running to and fro – when God reached down from heaven in response to the brute beasts in WV who were breathing out threatening and slaughter against this little church, and SMACKED that mine sending 29 straight to hell, it required that we redirect our efforts for my team.  That was my team that had the privilege to stand before those brutes.  Inasmuch as we used that opportunity to get to Wheeling (remember, Priests Rape Children and Wheeling is famous for that – check out this beauty that is hot off the press – ) and also to get to Virginia Tech where God has smacked their socks off AGAIN recently, so therefore, we cancelled our little visit to Lancaster.  We decided that the rebels would have to hold that picket without us!


Thanks for asking!


The time is so very, very short. This nation has crossed all lines and God, who is faithful, and who promised such a nation as this; THAT GOD is on the way, and this nation will shortly begin to quake and shake and sputter and VOMIT out the inhabitants of this land.  You disobedient brutes have brought your final destruction upon your own heads.  Those children at that University have been lied to all their lives.  They were taught that God is a liar and now, they are the LAST generation of Doomed america!


For all these things, foolish people, prepare to meet thy God!


Thanks for writing.


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