God’s Mercy IS These Words!


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Subject: Blacksburg, VA picket


My name is Andrew, and I am a former student at Virginia Tech. I understand members of your church will be coming to Blacksburg April 9 to express your opinions regarding the “reasons” behind the infamous April 16th murders. I would agree that college campuses, including Virginia Tech, contain students, faculty, and staff that engage in immoral, ungodly behavior that offends a holy, righteous God. I acknowledge that I, too, am a sinner and have committed sins that have offended God.


I also, however, believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, his death, and his resurrection, and that his blood has atoned for my sins. Jesus taught that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, but he communicated that to a fallen world in a way that concomitantly conveyed his love for the people, believers or otherwise, who lived/are living/will live on this Earth. I will admit that the Bible does speak of Jesus condemning individuals. These individuals, however, were the religious leaders of the day, not everyday members of the community.


There are Christians in Blacksburg (myself included) who are attempting to reach out to our lost, fallen community with love, compassion, and service in the name of Jesus…. not with hatred and condemnation in hopes of scaring people into salvation. Only God can save an individual from eternal punishment. All that hatred accomplishes is to harden hearts and promote misconceptions that all “Christians” are calloused and love-less.


Please reconsider coming to Virginia Tech April 9. I do appreciate your concerns about the immorality that permeates our country, but I believe that God can accomplish his plans for Blacksburg and Virginia Tech without further hatred being brought to our community.


Thank you.



Dear light and lame Andrew with an angst –


For a guy with an education, you are one dumb fellow.


Stop all the blathering and get your discipline on when you speak of the vital issues that you face at this hour.  You think God gives a rat’s backside about all your blather?!  You arrogant pup!


Here are your take-away points:


1.We are NOT picketing the 4/16 God Sent the Shooter event!!  You didn’t heed that warning, now you have a fresh GodSmackedU on the ground. God sent the killer to murder one that is a Teacher Of Rebellion’s daughter. She is dead for her disobedient dad’s sins!


2.The destruction of this nation is IMMINENT!  Get out the dictionary and wrap your rebel mind around that fact!


3.Your duty remains the same – yesterday, today and FOR EVER!  Fear God and keep his commandments!  Give the glory of ALL to The Lord Thy God!


4.The ONLY MERCY in this earth and the compassion of your God is for us to be at that place on that day and give you that message.  If you hear and heed and avoid the certain destruction that is coming, and then hell for eternity –GOOD!  If you do NOT HEAR and do NOT HEED-  GOOD!


The time is short, so very, very short!


Thanks for writing.


Anathema, Maranatha


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