Freedom Press?

I am the chief writer and editor of the blog Freedom Press and I would like to ask a few questions. First of all, could you please write us a list of your exact goals, and what your vision of a perfect America would be like. Second, what is the response given by your organization to critics who bring up the separation of church and state when speaking of your political influence. Lastly, why do you consider your activity to be under the lines of free speech, rather than hate speech?


Thank you,


Schuyler K.


Founder and Editor,

Freedom Press



Dear chief rebel of the "Freedom" Press – YIKES!  Freedom for whom?  You mean free for fags to marry!


Our goal is to deliver a faithful message from the Living God whose word you all crap on and that very God that created all things both seen and unseen and that said that he requires ONLY that you OBEY HIM!


The perfect america is the one that will shortly be sitting at the bottom of the deep blue sea by the hand of the Living God who told you if you do NOT OBEY, he will cause the land to VOMIT YOU OUT!  See Leviticus 18 – read every word of that – and you will find a photo of Doomed america right there.  You have done all those things for which, saith HE, the land will VOMIT YOU OUT! 


When the rebels barf out words, many and varied that you can put in the category of goofy questions and then label themselves as "critics" – Yikes – my response is this:  That activity is a piss-poor substitute for OBEDIENCE to the commandments and standards of your God!  Your clever wit and words should be worked and honed and polished so that when you stand before God in the judgment, you can whip out some clever question and when God has you by the scruff of your neck and is preparing to drop-kick you into hell, you can look over your shoulder and square into HIS eye and ask another witty and clever question.  Or just tell God that you don’t believe in hell or God. Perhaps that will get you a pass.  NOT!


When you have a First Amendment, there is NO SUCH THING as hate speech. There is speech and more speech and different speech. REBELS who hate God coin such a foolish term as hate speech. 


I would be remiss if I did not tell you straight up that your duty is to fear and OBEY YOUR GOD.  Give the glory of all your dead soldiers TO HIM. They are HIS WORK!  All things flow from and depend upon your God.  The time is so very, very short. The destruction of this nation is IMMINENT!!


Thanks for asking.

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