Field Report – San Francisco & Palo Alto, CA – 01.28-29.10 … Fags Are Handing False Prophets Their Backsides!

San Francisco CA - 0110



Field Report: San Francisco and Palo Alto, California; Jan. 28-29, 2010


Fags are lining up to marry in San Francisco, with foul-mouthed Jews at their side. Twitter is WBC’s international stage.  So the prophets traveled, telling Gunn HS their kids were Peter-Panning-to-death in front of trains for their sins, and Stanford students they can’t stop God’s final indignation on the Jews.  Stops at the federal courthouse (where a fag judge will let fags marry cuz it’s their riiiiiiiiight), several Jewish feces-holes, and raunchy-Rent were must-dos.  The fags are handing the “Christians” their bloodied-sodomized-backsides, because those thugs blaspheme God daily from their cowardly-semen-coated-pulpits-and-pews.  It’s over perverts!  Fags will marry; first society to do so since the Flood; and this nation will soonthink imminent – be destroyed with fire!  The words dropped like waves of a tsunami all over California, so you all – from the filthy-screaming-high-school-dyke to the lisper-on-steroids-governor – are without excuse!  Praise God for his severity and mercy!

The only thing more repulsive than a fag is an apostate Jew fag.  They ooze filth from every pore and orifice.  They rage against God and vie to achieve new heights of blasphemy.  Ezekiel, beloved prophet preaching to the captivity of Judah, saw their abominations in Ezekiel 8, where they put the nose to the branch, bowing down to their filthy sexual freakishness and related idolatrous acts.  But with all due respect to our beloved friend Ezekiel – that was small fry compared to these beasts of today.  They have had many more centuries to grow further into blind barbaric monsters.  It will be nothing short of life from the dead when a merciful God restores his beloved first fruit Jews from amongst this filth!

Remember, the penalty for false prophets under the Law of Moses was death!  (See Deut. 18:15-22.)  In the last days – THESE DAYS – per Zechariah – when God is having his final indignation on the Jews and the reprobates of the world – the false prophets are going to be shut down.  They’re going to shut their mouths or die!  (See Zechariah 13:3-5.)  You’re failing!  Pseudo-Christian Neil Clark Warren agreed to pay fags $2 million and let them onto his Website to troll for sex partners (because he loves the money he can make by this move).  Fraud director of the so-called Family Values Institute, David Horenbecker, happily turned into a witness for the fags in the San Francisco courtroom where a fag judge is going to let fags marry.  He had the nerve to swear an oath that he was sticking up for the sacred institution of marriage!  What?  You whores teach people to change their sex partners more often than they change their grungy knickers – and you’re going to talk about the sacred institution of marriage! 


Shut up false prophets!  You’ve been lying for years, and you’ve built a house of sand on your own dark hearts, filthy manner of life, and raw greed.  Fags are going to marry on your watch!  You are the curse God perfectly formed and laid on the backs of this rebellious nation.  Perfect!  You love the whore’s bed and you hate God’s standard.  You taught people they could fornicate and still demand God love them.  Then you taught people they could be proud prancing mincing fags and still demand God love them.  You taught them how to sin.  You taught them how to hate their neighbor.  You provoked them to wrath, and you heaped coals on their head, so that they now are on the same path to hell as you!  Shut up and take your sodomizing by the fag monster you created!


God is GodSmacking this land from sea to shining sea.  You whores try to steal his glory – which he will NOT give to another – by saying God didn’t do it!  Liars!  Before this could go to print, a plane crashed on 2/17 in Palo Alto, killing three on board.  Some wretch in a day care had the nerve to crow – when she and the child escaped – “Thank God we got out!”  Shut your mouth! You still won’t obey God; your children would be better off dead than in your soul-munching hands!  And it shall come to pass, if a man’s uncle shall take [the bones of] him [that burneth in the house] up, he shall say, Hold thy tongue: for we may not make mention of the name of the LORD, Amos 6:9-10. 


Sing praise to the Great Avenger!  Thank God for his promises, which are true, and his mercies which are sure.  If you have any sense of self-survival – do not listen to the false prophets.  When the destruction comes, they will have no answers, they will have no help, and they will be the FIRST to be slaughtered by God, before your eyes.  They failed to tell you the whole council of God, and your blood is on their hands! When God comes with his destroying weapon in his hand, going through the city, smiting old and young, maids, women, and little children alike, without mercy, he will begin at the sanctuary!  You’re doomed!  Praise God!  Amen!




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