Field Report – East Boston, Boston, Canton & Cambridge, MA – 03.19-20.09 … Doomed america No Longer Has Effective Shield, High Tower Or Refuge

Cambridge, MA - 0309

When WBC traveled to the Baltimore area a week or so after Obama the Beast was sworn into office in late January, 2009, one preaching site we utilized was Andrews Air Force Base.  That, and similar military sites, is where doomed america places its trust.  Bad idea.


Instead, God Almighty should be your fortress, rock and deliverer.  (2 Sam. 22:2). 

Since you have openly rejected and mocked that God, you no longer have effective shield, high tower or refuge.  (2 Sam. 22:3). 


That being the case, you now experience this from that God you aggressively cast off, with much more and worse to come:  A trembling and shaking earth; moving foundations; smoke and fire; kindled coals; darkness; dark waters; thick clouds of the skies; arrows; lightning; and general discomfit.  (2 Sam 22:8-15). 


It only seems right, wouldn’t you say? 


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