God Hates Ireland. Land Of The Sodomite Damned.

Jon Image 24109

Subject:  Rude Responce

I am writing to inform you of a complaint i have with your churches response.

 Thank you for informing me that your church is visiting Ireland, however I believe the second e-mail that a sir “[anonymous friend of yours at WBC]” sent was unnecessary and rude.
It was quite disrespectful, rude and hurtful to mention the Great famine as your favorite event in Irish history.
It seamed as if your intention  was to purposely offend me. 
I hope to receive a reply. 
                    Thank you for taking your time to read this e-mail


[Editor’s note:  The e-mail response our Irish friend is offended at reads as follows:  Our Lord has visited Ireland on many occasions.  My favorite was The Great Famine c. 1845-1852; until now.  In like manner–in scope and significance–is the visitation of his preached word via his church in the earth by WBC c. 1991 to present.”] 


Dear Rebel against God with no cause –


So, you found those words that are the Bread of Life offensive.  Duh, you think?  All rebels are offended at the sovereign dealings of God with his creation.  It is a watermark of your reprobation!  God does what he wills with his own, and you hate that!  You think that God’s duty is to get you your next hook up! 


God sent the famine.  Since this is a generation of arrogant rebels against God (hey stupid – did you know you have a nation full of raping priests – is that rude?) we know that God’s works against you are going to NOT cause you to repent, but to offend you.  We KNOW that about you!  It offends you because you arrogant bubble brains actually have some goofy idea that you can defeat God.  YIKES! 


So – see the potato famine as a warning to repent and OBEY YOUR GOD!  And then, when you don’t do that and instead teach your wretched spawn-of-Satan brats that the Living and Powerful God of all creation is a liar and that raping priests are just fine, you need to expect way worse events than the potato famine and then, at the end of it all, you can expect hell, for eternity!  THERE, the worm will never die and the fire will never be quenched and the smoke of your torment will ascend up forever and ever and ever and ever.  Now I must ask you, little squally rebel, will you consider that to be rude?  Will that offend you?


Go [anonymous friend from WBC]!!  [Anonymous friend from WBC] did his job to you and for that, all of us at WBC are very thankful!!


Thanks for writing. 

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