We Pray That Every Nation Legalizes Fag Marriage To Bring On Your Destruction

God Hates The World

Letter to the Editor

Capital City Weekly


Miss Adams’ essay “Same-sex marriage should be legalized in all states of America” appearing in your paper today is a testimony against this generation and Doomed america.  This nation’s youth are spoon-fed from the cradle two big lies:  God loves everyone and it is okay to be gay.   Their parents, teachers, preachers and every adult in their lives are to blame.  You brutes have refused to have standards of obedience to God and refuse to ever mention Sodom and her destruction to your children. (Ez. 16:56 –  For thy sister Sodom was not mentioned by thy mouth in the day of thy pride.)


Miss Emily accidently quoted Bible verses that plainly say God hates people – (Pr. 6:16-19).  Emily and her classmates are entitled to hear some truth for a change.  God hates sodomites and their enablers (Ro. 1:32.), and He is not going to change his mind.


There is only one other time in this world’s history where same-sex marriage was acceptable world-wide because most people were not bothered by it, as Emily suggests.  That time was when Noah was building the ark immediately before God destroyed this world with The Flood, killing 16 billion people (including man, woman, child and suckling infant).  Jesus Christ said as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man shall be revealed.  We pray that every state in this doomed nation, as well as every nation in this world, will legalize same-sex marriage to bring on your final destruction.  Those of you who care for your everlasting souls, come out from among this rebellious people and obey your God.  The time is short!  This world’s destruction is imminent! 

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