You Have To See The South Park Episode Starring The Patriot Guard Riders. Cartman Says The Patriot Guard Riders Are Fags.

Jon Image 25


You claim that YOUR god “sends the shooter”…..well I pray that my God sends one to your church and picks off everyone of you sick sons-of-bitches as you exit the building……or better yet maybe he’ll send one of those suicide bombers to your place of abomination and take all of you out with one good precise calculated blast. If you think it won’t happen, you are wrong. You are hated by thousands and you WILL cross the wrong person and one or many of your people will pay the ultimate price. GOOD LUCK IN HELL!!!! BURN!!!! –Veteran


Hello Violent Veteran.

You brutes give yourselves the glory instead of God. Of a truth you are impotent and cowardly, which is why you’ve lost every war this cursed nation has entered for the last several decades. God is your enemy; he fights against you every day; and you can not possibly win that battle. You could have – and should have – obeyed God, and lived soberly and righteously; then you, your house and this nation would have received the blessings of God. Instead you wallow in your proud filthy sin and lift your middle finger to God every day. So now this nation has the wrath of God pouring out all over it in every way. You are just a foolish little bare-butt-flapping-out-in-the-wind little girl pretending you or anyone other than God is in charge of the shooter. The shooters are God’s weapons in his armory, and he sends them where he wants when he wants. You have zero control over these events so stop all that mindless bellowing. After you get done with your fit, and your daily burping, farting, grunting sessions, the duty you have to read the Bible and obey it still stands. So close your greasy-meat-and-fries hole, open the Scriptures, read the words, and obey them. Be thankful there are prophets in the land, and that YOU are still alive so YOU can still repent and obey.


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