Duh. Yesterday I Didn’t Know How To Spell Law School Gradutate. Now I Are One. Duh. I’m The Bloomin’ Law Journal Editor. Duh.

Jon Image 10

Speaking of verbal vomit – regarding your goofy column in the Wisconsin Law Journal whereby you betray your full and complete ignorance about the First Amendment or the law in general – I’m just sayin’ :-)

Dear Dull David, who thinks he’s way smarter than God, any other human, and his own stinkin’ unwashed shirt – and I surely do hope those words are not too harsh for your crybaby self –


What makes a mockery of the allegation that these soldiers are fighting for our rights (in fact that fighting for the sins of this filthy land, nothing more, nothing less) is the fact that you think that means they fought for words you agree with, and ONLY for words you agree with.  There is not a single location in this entire evil land called doomed-america where you would be content for us to say SIMPER FI FAGS, THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS, and AMERICA IS DOOMED!  Just tell the truth young lady, and stop hiding behind your inability to think straight in your rage against God because he is kicking this nation’s backside, and ESPECIALLY the military – whose #1 enemy God has become.  If you had an ounce of intellectual integrity – you would just TELL THE TRUTH.  You hate words; you will uproot and tear down the First Amendment to make them go away.  Not gonna happen Suzie Q!


What passes for scholarly analysis in the law schools of doomed-america is junk law and sloppy undisciplined whining.  You know instinctively that the First Amendment exists to protect speech that is hated.  That’s why you are reduced to lying.  No one at Westboro Baptist Church has ever gone into a funeral, or anywhere close to the funeral.  They stand on public sidewalks, hundreds of feet away – in the Snyder case over a thousand feet away – and say words.  Period.  The reason you slugs throw such irrational fits, and come up with such legally sound terms as “verbal vomit,” is because you hate the words.  Rather than just own that fact, you look for ways to slither around and make an end run around YOUR LAWS. 


God blessed this nation, and one of the greatest blessings He gave you was the First Amendment.  Under that organic instrument, people were in the past free in this nation to worship God according to their conscience.  But you brutes gave yourselves the glory, and substituted your arrogance for obedience.  Now the wrath of God is pouring out on you.  You’re illiterate in every important respect, and the “education” system is producing young people who rank with third world countries in their scholarly abilities.  That’s because there’s not enough time in the day and resources in the national budget to both teach children to be filthy proud sinners before God and how to read, write and reason.  You clearly are the product of the education system of doomed-america.  And you are in that group of people in this nation who have a legacy of curses – no jobs, no homes, no economy, no hope; just curses all around.  You’re doomed sucker!  God hates you!


Meanwhile, you cowards can shut us up – and you will do everything in your puny earthly power toward that end – including siccing the entire military of this cursed land on us – and you will get zero relief.  The wrath of God is still going to pour out on you, and your doom is still IMMINENT.  That’s a good word for you to study, learn and write about.  Have a big ole fit in your column about us using it.  Say it loud, often and in a very angry tone.  Repeat after me little lassie:  THE DOOM OF THIS NATION IS IM-MI-NENT!


You will cast aside all your laws; you will run your big stupid mouths in the process filling the air and cyberspace with words; and you will join hands and congratulate each other on your pretend-brilliance all along the way.  Then God will sucker punch you right between the eyes, and destroy this land – with a great fire, and then drop you into the ocean completely gone from existence – like a giant millstone thrown into the water.  You foolish brutes.  You think you can change all the standards, of man and God, and lie like a bunch of grungy rugs, and that will get you some relief.  NOT A CHANCE POOPIE PANTS!


Now get a Bible; close your foolish mouth; read it, and obey it.  And if you don’t like the words you find in the Scriptures – why don’t you sue God!  Maybe that’ll help.





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