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GodSmack: DADT Repeal


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GodSmack: DADT Repeal

DADT repeal’s galloped through the Senate-"historic” cloture vote shut down talk-Beast will sign next week!  GodSmack! 

Perfect Beast+Clinton legacy!

They shut down debate.  Good!  There’s no “debate!"  With one voice you’ve rejected God.  And He is soon going to shut your mouths!

So shall he sprinkle [leap on; spatter] many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider, Isa. 52:15.

God is on the move, choking the life out of this nation with its fag-dog-collar, because they’ve choked the truth!

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness.of men.who hold [choke; suppress] the truth in unrighteousness.when they knew God, they glorified him not as God.wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness.unto vile affections.over to a reprobate mind, Rom. 1:18-28.


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You know what we're saying is true. You know there's no "Mother Nature" just randomly running around with her magic wand and floaty crowny thing magically making earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, blights, floods, blizzards, hail storms, droughts, mall shootings, postal shootings, multi-car pileups, kidnappings, apartment fire and every other ass-kicking you get dealt to you by the LORD your God happen. You know God is in control. He's doing it. Just admit it. Just because you won't admit it and fear Him, and PRAISE Him, doesn't mean we aren't going to put every one of these events right in front of your nose. Read the words. Fear Him.


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