GodSmack: Missouri Kidnapping

Hide your kids-sweat-shirted women posing as child welfare agents to kidnap children up in here-in Missouri!  GodSmack!

Cass County panicked when a 2-year-old went missing.  Grandma saw no problem with child welfare coming to scoop up the child-they call that day-care in Missouri. 

Missouri is one of the most evil places in the world today, or ever!  They have one priority in this life, to wit: shutting up God’s servants.  Because they will die before they’ll stop sinning!

That missing child should have caused every person in Missouri to drop to his/her knees in abject shame before God, seeking His forgiveness and blessing.  But no!  It just made them blow and crow!  Nothing gets through to these hardcore rebels! 

In vain have I smitten your children; they received no correction: your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion. Jer. 2:30.

No hope!

Sweet adumbrations!

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