When Doomed america Goes Down, The Whole World Will Follow

Oh one last question if you don’t mind. You often mention that America is doomed, is there hope for the rest of the world?

Thankyou very much for you answers, I hope you have a wonderful christmas with your family.

Matthew R.


Hi Matthew –
First – GOD HATES CHRISTMAS!!  I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the propaganda mill of this generation has taught you and your fellow travelers to believe in the lie that it is okay to add a pagan festival that is earmarked by gluttony, excess and waste, not to mention worshiping of things that we are instructed NOT to worship (the sun, etc.) and they call it Christmas and try to shoehorn Christ into it (which again, we are NOT instructed to do).  YIKES!  Check out these words of instruction and warning about the Xmas MESS!!  It is pagan idolatry!! 
Jeremiah 10:1 ¶  Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
2  Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3  For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
5  They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
6  Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.
7  Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? for to thee doth it appertain: forasmuch as among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like unto thee.
8  But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities.
9  Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman, and of the hands of the founder: blue and purple is their clothing: they are all the work of cunning men.
10  But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.
11  Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens.
12  He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion.
13  When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures.
14  Every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them.
15  They are vanity, and the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish.

Further, about that celebrate the birth of Christ.  WE ARE NOT TOLD TO DO THAT, but we are told to show forth his death till he come, and that is with a proper execution of the Lord’s Supper – I say PROPER!!  One Cup, one loaf, taken ONLY by the people of God that are walking orderly (OBEY GOD).  We are warned over and over NOT TO ADD to the word of God and NOT TO TAKE AWAY from the word of God.  Check it out:
De 4:2  Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
De 12:32  What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.
Proverbs 30:5  Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
6  Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

This next verse is for the lying false prophets – those SOBs are in SOOOO much trouble!!  God hates them and he has a special place of torment for them when they quit this life.
Jer 26:2  Thus saith the LORD; Stand in the court of the LORD’S house, and speak unto all the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the LORD’S house, all the words that I command thee to speak unto them; diminish not a word:
And check out this warning that is found the third and fourth verses from the very end of the whole Bible:
Rev 22:18  For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19  And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
20 ¶  He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Okay – now about that rest of the world question.  Here is what I feel confident in as of this date, to wit:
This generation is going to have their fill of this little church of the Lord Jesus Christ making them drink from the cup of God’s fury!  They are going to try more and more ways to shut us up and each time they think they have done something that will make us go away, they will find that they have failed!   E.g.  the bitter bikers – think brute beasts – first tried to bully, scare and beat us into submission; then 43 states and the US congress have passed laws trying to shut us up.  Both of those failed!  So then, the military stepped up to the plate.  They got some brute beasts that have law degrees, a vain fellow of the baser sort and his filthy companions in crime (YIKES – that was a sorry sight) to act as false witnesses and they tapped a man that is described perfectly in this passage (NOTE:  This psalm is for these days that we live in, it was a psalm of prophesy – eschatological (it is telling us that gross judicial misconduct and judicial tyranny will be a sign of the coming of our Lord in power and great glory) – check out these excellent words in that light (remember as you read – when the Bible talks about judges, they are sometimes referred to as gods with a little "g" because of their relative unfettered power over the lives, properties and so forth of their fellow creatures – thus, WOE unto the judges, as God has entrusted them with MUCH and MUCH will be required of them – WOE, WOE, WOE!):
Psalm 82:1  God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.
2  How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.
3  Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
4  Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
5  They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.
6 ¶  I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
7  But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
8  Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.

Now that is such good stuff!!  How can a little servant of God read these words of precious promise and do anything except obey their God and submit themselves to the misdeeds of these wicked people.  The sooner we submit and lie down and let them walk all over us, the sooner or God is going to avenge us!  It is so lovely!  What do we have that can possibly stand against the power in this earth?  The answer is NOTHING, but we serve the God that DOES, and when they have done these things because of our service in TRUTH, our God will and IS speedily avenging us! 
Now back to your question, america is DOOMED, so what about the rest of the world.  Well – it is with all gravity that I tell you – when this nation goes down, you are all going down, and you can see the face of that at Revelation 18.  america is Babylon.  So read Revelation 18 in that light!  Further, as this drama plays out, and the details of it, it is going to involve Obama the Beast and his false prophet side kick the Pope (priests rape children, yo!) energized by their father the devil, calling all the nations of the world to that battle wherein they are going to descend upon Mt. Zion in great numbers (think million fag march, for real and on steroids) and when that day is set, you know that our Lord will be coming in the clouds with power and great glory and then it will be Go Time!  You will have to read Revelation 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 to get the full flavor of this.
You should go to the www.godhatesfags.com page and click on the blogs and search Obama and read the many words – truly good and interesting words, wherein as the days have past and we have more signs of the times revealed and the eyes of our understanding opened by HIM that is able to do that, and you will see some more good stuff on this topic!  You see Matthew, we live in the last hours of the last days, and pursuant to what our God told little Daniel, who was greatly beloved, we have arrived at those days, and we get to understand what must come to pass.  Many of those field reports wherein Obama is discussed are developed in the context of helping you understand those words written in Rev. 16 to 20. 
So at the end of the day, Matthew, our prayer is that our Lord come quickly, and that we be made, by our God, worthy to escape those things that must shortly come to pass upon the whole earth, and that we be made and found, by our God, to be counted worthy to stand before our Lord!! 
Thanks for asking.
The time is short!


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