Pity Bruce Jenner’s Children Because They Were Taught To Be Self-Obsessed Impudent Whores

Unless God has mercy upon them, the Kardashian and Jenner children will flap about without a clue and show their bare backsides (literally and figuratively) until they split hell wide open!

Unless God has mercy upon them, the Kardashian and Jenner children will flap about without a clue and show their bare backsides (literally and figuratively) until they split hell wide open!

Hi, Westboro.

How did WBC find out about Bruce Jenner? I mean, I think you found out about him before he hit the tabloids. Is that too personal? I don’t understood the politics of my own clubs alone the politics of a church. His poor wife and children. He’s making her a lesbian against her will unless she divorces ‘her’ and giving his children two ‘mothers’. Unless he keeps his Gender areas.  I understand the disorder, his brain was born female. I have sympathy for the rest of the Jenners. Have you looked at new pics? 



Dear Cari –

Oh dear – oh dear – oh dear!!!

Please read your email again.  Do you know that Jenner had two wives before this silly woman, Kris Jenner, that he “married” last? And that he is no longer “married” to her? Divorced in December.

The reason to pity those children (Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Brody Jenner, Casey Jenner, Brandon Jenner, Burt Jenner) is because they have been taught to defy God and to be self-obsessed impudent whores and worse, all the days of their lives.  Unless God has mercy upon them, they will flap about without a clue and show their bare backsides (literally and figuratively) until they split Hell wide open!  Pity them because they think that they are rich and increased with goods and have need of NOTHING, when in fact they don’t have eyes to see that they are poor and blind and naked and miserable and wretched.  God has judicially blinded them for HIS pleasure; He only shows His mercy upon the vessels of mercy that HE afore prepared.  A read of Romans 9 will help you understand these words.  Everything is about the sovereign pleasure of the Lord your God.  It is about nothing else!

Let’s be clear: I am nothing.  I am less than nothing.  All flesh is nothing and less than nothing and so all that there is in this life and eternity is the glory and honor and praise and majesty of the Lord our God!  If we are appointed to do all things that goes with being heirs of salvation, then YAY; we are above all men most blessed.  If not, we are above all men most cursed.  So all discussion about the wretchedness of the Bruce Jenner saga and all that are connected thereto, had better be for the purpose of:

1.) Announcing to one and all that there is a great perversion afoot and RUN, RUN, RUN from it!

2.) To plainly say that the God of all the earth who doeth ALL things well, has done this thing, and be thankful right down to your toes, that he did not appoint you (ME) to that great shame!  If it were left to me, I would be/do worse and more!

Thanks for asking.

PS – With all due respect, you don’t understand POO about the brain and it “being female” or male. Hush about that, please.  You don’t have even a clue!! This is put-your-hand-over-your-mouth-and-be-very-quiet time and have a collective, national and international hanging of all heads in great shame, and a silence of global proportion, that would send a message to God that we SEE our horrible shame and ARE ashamed!

For more deets see our Video News on Bruce Jenner and his satanic children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh7q0YekF2E

OK, and go ahead and watch our “Chromosome” music vid we made for Jenner and all his tranny rebel ilk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsT9YiiQxv0

Your friends at Westboro Baptist Church.

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