The Fag Juggernaut Will Get Its Way Regardless Of Law Or Fairness #PowerOfTheDog #Mozilla #BrendanEich

Fag Lies Obey Or Perish

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Welcome friends, to another edition of WBC Video News, where the Servants of God diligently seek to discern the signs of the times and deliver to you an unvarnished view of world events from a Bible perspective.

Let’s begin this week by answering a question from the official ABC World News Twitter feed.  They ask “what’s going on” after noting the rash of recent earthquakes, including the 7.2 in Mexico, 8.2 in Chile, a 5.1 in LA, and this morning a 7.8 off Papua New Guinea.  What’s going on, indeed?  Silly @abcworldnews, if you’d just follow @godsmacksu and @wbcsays, you’d know precisely what’s going on.  God is smacking you on a frequent basis, as an early warning of the seventh angel pouring out his vial!  “And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.  And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great” (Rev. 16:17).  These recent tiny shakes are just a little ass-kicking as a precursor to the major ass-kicking this world will receive at the appointed hour.  Note that before that earthquake comes, it is clearly announced that “It is done”.  That would be your time on earth, friends.  Once declared done, there’s no more room for repentance.

As of this morning, 268 people are still missing from the ferry sinking in South Korea, and it is now being reported that it will take at least 2 months to salvage the ship.   Here is the reality of this situation.  God dumped that ferry on its side.  He is in charge of everything, down to the numbering and cataloging of the very hairs of our head (Matt. 10:30), and if he wanted those children alive, they would be.  The overwhelming evidence at this time is that those 268 presumed dead, and the 32 which are confirmed, are in hell.

It wouldn’t be a good news roundup if we didn’t comment on MH370.  It is now day 43 of the search for this plane, and it is just now being declared that the search is at a ‘critical juncture’ according to the BBC.  This is precisely what is wrong with this generation!  You decide that things are critical when they’re already finished!  The critical juncture was when the plane stopped communicating with the tower and the people were presumably still alive.  I can see this now.  You’ll be standing before the Great White Throne screaming “repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand” when the time for repentance has already passed.  Listen to the messengers of God in the earth today, friends.  This tragedy is a warning to those alive to repent while there is still time, lest YOUR soul be suddenly taken (Luke 12:20).

There was a strong reminder recently of the power of the dog (Ps. 22:20) that requires a bit of commentary.  To be clear, in case you’ve ignored our explanation of this before, a high-level definition of the power of the dog is the ability of the fag juggernaut to get their way regardless of law, fairness, or the hypocrisy of their desire.  The most blatant and public display of this recently is in the matter of Brendan Eich, former CEO of Mozilla.  To be clear, this is not an endorsement of Brendan Eich, I don’t know him, and only know of him from his involvement in the creation of Java Script and the fact the fags think he should be publicly crucified somewhere along Route 66.

In case you missed the story, Brendan Eich was promoted to the position of CEO at Mozilla, the foundation which fosters the FireFox web browser, amongst other projects.  He co-founded the organization back in 1998, and in technical circles is known as a rather bright individual, to say the least.  He was, and is, highly qualified to lead the organization.

Except for one little thing.  He apparently doesn’t believe in fag marriage, and donated $1,000 to the California Proposition 8 campaign against fag marriage back in 2008.  Bear in mind, that was 6 years ago that he did that, and by all reports, he never pushed his views in the workplace, he didn’t discriminate against anyone in the workplace he knew to be a fag, he didn’t try to impose his will on anyone or make a public showing of his views.  He just gave some money to a political campaign that he shared a common view with and was in line with his own beliefs.

Compare that with Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame, who marches in San Francisco’s fag pride parade.  Or Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, who has donated millions of dollars to fag marriage causes in Washington State and spoken out very publicly about how he thinks fags marrying is the best thing since the invention of the shipment tracking number.  You could create a rather lengthy list of the personalities of Silicon Valley who have come out and donated tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars in the aggregate to the fag marriage cause, go on talk shows, put out blogs, tweet and in any other way they can think of promote this vile filth all over the globe.  And they all get to keep their jobs.

One man quietly donates a pittance of his net worth to try and get a rather weak law in place to stop this avalanche of fag perversion sweeping over this nation, and he is vilified within an inch of his life, threatened physical harm, and his livelihood quashed by the fags.

Don’t play semantics games here, either.  Yes, he resigned, but only because the fags had put a stop to any development work on the organization’s projects as long as he was CEO.  Through all of the nonsense about his personal beliefs, Eich didn’t discuss what his beliefs actually were, didn’t try to impose them or argue them as the CEO of Mozilla, which is exactly what he ought to have done.

Let’s be clear on this matter.  We aren’t holding Eich up as some hero.  He isn’t a rallying point or a great man.  The object lesson that this draws out so plainly for you is that the fags aren’t happy unless you bow down to them and call their filth holy.  You can’t even have a private opinion on a matter if it is contrary to theirs, much less express it, First Amendment protection of campaign contributions be damned.  The power of the dog is only growing, and it will continue to grow because the so-called Christians of this world have sat by silently while the dogs took things over.  Unable to stand against fag marriage, since they’ve already destroyed the sanctity of that which God calls a mystery (Eph. 5:32) with their wanton fornication and adulterous stance on divorce, the fags are now fully in the driver’s seat.  This incident is a bright shining example of that.  Of course, WBC members have hundreds of such examples of the same behavior being carried out upon us, and you all increasingly see the need to cower in fear lest your own livelihoods be taken unless you bow down to the fag cause.  The power of the dog is rampant and you can no longer stop it.  That is your curse, doomed America.

Repent or perish.


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