Say What?!

There is a person posting online repeatedly that the head of Westboro Baptist Church took care of Obama’s mother when she was pregnant. She also claims the real father of Obama was killed along with two other people and that you know the whole story. Is this true and what can you tell me about what happened? If it isn’t true then she needs to stop posting that information. She claims she is a relative of Obama from his mother’s side.

Thank you for your time and trouble.





The head of Westboro Baptist Church is our Lord Jesus Christ. There is no evidence of any influence of our Lord Jesus Christ in Obama’s mother’s life except that which is told about in 2 Peter 2:9 “The Lord knoweth how to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.”  Although He granted unto her life and plenteous blessings, she despised Him as manifest in her violence towards that Marriage covenant established in the Garden of Eden: One Man; One Woman; One Lifetime (therefore, Beast Obama had no fear of God before his eyes, and smoothly embraces and promotes fag marriage); and in fact she raised Beast Obama for the devil, to wit: she raised him to be a Muslim beast (which is equivalent to the fake Christian parents of 311 million americans).  From all the evidence it appears that Obama’s mother would qualify as one of those persons who are described in Romans 1:19-32.  

Good day.

On behalf of Westboro Baptist Church

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