Fags Have Doomed This Nation

WBC Video News:  You do what the people before the flood did, now you will get their destruction!  Watch here for more details on that goodness:


Thank God the evil states of Maine, Maryland and Washington voted this week to legalize Sodomite marriage. It was the first time in this nation’s history same-sex marriage has been approved by popular vote.

It marks a turning or tipping point. Homosexual activists will continue to push to legalize Sodomite marriage like never before by popular vote, court action, legislation and administrative decree. You are Satan’s seed, and Satan knows all the methods and ways to deal with his children. The job will only get easier from here. The dominos are falling. And, God will continue to severely punish this nation for it. Christ has given you space to repent and you repent not.

While Maine, Maryland and Washington became the 7th, 8th, and 9th states to legally recognize sodomite marriage in the U.S., the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy weren’t even cleaned up yet, power has not even been restored to thousands and the shoreline of New Jersey looks like a battle zone. And, the Lord is further rewarding the East Coast with an immediate response to Maine and Maryland’s action in the form of a nor’easter named Athena. Beautiful. Thank god for Athena! This is a taste of divine wrath – Praise and Bless God. It is a 1-2 punch from God. God does not regard your tears or hear your prayers. (Malachi 2:13) His word says your prayers are an abomination to him! (Proverbs 28:9)

Much more mayhem awaits as the last book of the Bible is revealed. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, sometimes referred to as Payback. In the Revelation, God de-creates what he created and destroys this earth and all its filthy works. Phony, Lukewarm, God-Loves-Everyone, Milquetoast, “Christians” may want to read this book a little closer. Does God loves the millions he displaced in Sandy, and does he love the billions he vows to destroy in the Revelation with plagues, earthquakes, natural disasters and famine?

For 22 years the Westboro Baptist Church has said gay marriage is a-fait-accompli, never wavering from this position. We knew 22 years ago, the people of this nation didn’t fear God and they didn’t read the bible. We knew the parents of this country were not fulfilling their Deuteronomy 6 duty to teach their children to fear God and keep his commandments. We knew then, that you all thought you could, by rebel-revolt; whole-sale agreement; and popular vote force God to change his unchangeable Word (Matthew 5:18) and bow to your will. The True and Living God does not cow-tow to man and he counts the inhabitants of the earth as nothing. (Daniel 4:35).

Christ said at Matthew. 19:4-5 “Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them (wait for it) male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?”

God Almighty, the High and Lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, designed, created and manufactured the bodies we use, and he set the rules and bounds of our habitation.

Male and Female bodies were perfectly designed and made for one another, not male and male or female and female. This is abomination. God said Sodomites are exceedingly wicked, they do that which is unseemly or shameful, they burn in their lusts toward each other, they shall not inherit the kingdom of God and they will suffer eternal fire.

Christ announced that just before His glorious return to earth that it would be as it was in the days of Noah. People would be marrying and giving in marriage (that is, abusing the sanctity of marriage, like same-sex marriage, divorce and re-marriage and multiple marriages) (Matthew 24:38) and that it would be as it was in the day of Lot and Sodom (Luke 17:28).

The Lord mercifully sent this humble, little, Church to warn whoever would listen to flee the wrath to come and to repent or perish. Now that you know your master’s will, and refuse to do it, your destruction is imminent! Amen!

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