There Is A ‘Doomsday’ Prepared For The Wicked, Known Only By God

Hi WBC church members- 

I was just watching a louis theroux documentary and was wondering what your thoughts were on the mayan predictions of the end of the world in December.I was thinking that if this were to happen it would kill all including you and you church members. my questions is why would god allow this to happen.I don’t think we are all that evil to deserve something as extravagant as that. I’m from the orkney islands and would love to hear back from you.



Dear Friend –

You tossed up a straw man and then began to beat away on him.  Poor little guy!  He is not real Christina.  He is the product of your vain imagination. Let him alone!

Here is real Christina, and you better bring discipline to your thoughts around this reality that you can observe with your own eyes:

YES, YOU ARE THAT EVIL!  To get good analysis on that, is simplicity itself: READ Isaiah 1 and remember, all the words apply to all humans always and everywhere!

Make a list of GodSmacks. I will help you get started, but could not possibly get them all:

Sandy, Irene, Haiti Earthquake, Katrina, Joplin, Greensburg, Alabama, Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami and all that followed, including the mess that vomited out of that land now hitting Doomed america, Tsunami of Dec 2005, 9/11, God sent the shooter – Norway; ALL over Doomed USA – see the list at the beginning of this beauty:

Is this generation evil enough for all that? YES, YES, YES!!  Fear and obey God and otherwise, prepare to meet thy God!

Thanks for writing.

PS – FORGET Nostra DumDum and every other human, and look to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ on the coming of the Lord and the destruction of this world, add additional words of the Apostles and Elders and servants of God right down to Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church.  Begin your good work of learning at Matthew 24 and 25; Luke 17, 18 and 2 and Mark 13. Then 2 Peter 2, 3 and Jude, and of course, The Revelation of Jesus Christ.  Please see also good words of help on our web pages beginning at

Thanks for writing.

Your friends at Westboro Baptist Church

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