Lest Ye Repent, You Will All Likewise Perish


Dear WBC –

I’m curious about how the radio program went tonight.



Dear Curious –

WBC was on a radio program tonight. It start out with the guy congratulating us on the Supreme Court victory, because he’s a “street preacher” and it helps him, to which we said that God moved those judge’s hearts to do that, so all the thanks goes to Him.  Then the gloves came off.

He said we shouldn’t say “fag”.  We told him why we do.  He didn’t like the answer.  He said we don’t sound like Jesus.  He said we’re crazy.  He said we are media whores.  We said “you call it media whores, we call it getting a vital message out to hundreds of millions of people.”

He said we are repressed fags.  We said “oh, so you’re a psychologist now. Those are the same things fags say.”  He said we don’t really believe this stuff – we just want to make people mad. He said the dead boys in Washington have nothing to do with fag marriage. He said that if we had any real convictions, we wouldn’t be bought off with a radio program (he must not have understood that the point is to get the message out to as many people as possible).  We answered all that stuff.  He said where did Jesus rejoice at the death of people?  We said in Proverbs 1.  We told him to look at Luke 13 – Jesus preached about current events, telling them “less ye repent, you will all likewise perish”.  We also asked him, “how about hell?  If God didn’t want people there, He wouldn’t have created hell.”

Now, that comment got us to the root of the matter. You may all find this shocking, but it turns out that the guy doesn’t like our precious doctrines that God doesn’t love everybody and Jesus didn’t die for everybody. He kept talking about not liking our “methods” and that we’re doing “damage” to Christianity. We told him, “so the truth comes out – you couldn’t care less about our methods – you hate the doctrines. And, the only ones ‘damaging’ are people like you who blaspheme God.”

He didn’t like our butt buddy sign. He said it’s “filthy communication” and “not edifying” (except he used different words, quoting from some goofy version of the Bible). We told him we are supposed to “make sin exceeding sinful. It’s absolutely edifying. People see it and understand that that sin is a filthy, soul-damning sin. What are you doing about that sin? When you preach, you pussy foot around so much that nobody even knows what you’re talking about.”

We were supposed to be on an hour. He shut our mic off at about 40 minutes and told us a bunch of stuff about how we all need to repent and accept Jesus as our personal savior. Then he turned our mic back on and said we could have the last word, so we started talking, made him mad, he started yelling, and then he hung up on us.


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