Fags Fuel The Fire Of God’s Wrath


I’m reading 1 Corinthians 13 by Paul as he commands us to show love in our speech. I love you guys love homosexuals and perverts whenever you preach to them but should we use the words “fags” or “faggots” because they are hateful words comparable to the N word?

What’s your thought about this?


We use words that God uses.  If you wallow around with the fags, talking about the “N” word like as if these are comparable discussions, you give away the discussion. We are not required to go there.  This is not a debate and the best presentation wins.  Should we call these brute beasts, made to be taken and to be destroyed rebels “gay”?  Fag is a beautiful elegant metaphor.  Even as a natural wood faggot fuels the fires of nature, these perverts, these fags fuel the fires of God’s wrath and the fires of hell.  We will not be giving the lexicon over to the fags.  Their agenda is to get you to look at the “N” word; our agenda is to make sure this generation understands that fags are abomination to God! We will do that with great plainness of speech!

This matter of God’s judgment relating to the sodomites, is not open for discussion. While they get phony “Christians” to look at the “N” word, they get fag-marriage passed into law in every conceivable way.


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