Why Does WBC Use The 1611 KJV Over Any Other?

Hello, Just wondering why is it that the Westboro Baptist Church uses the 1611 King James Bible over the other versions? What about it makes it the best/more inspired etc? Also, I’ve noticed you guys referencing the Talmud and John Gill’s interpretation of the Bible. Do you use anything else? Why do you choose to use these to help with your interpretation of the Bible and not other stuff? Thanks


Hi Andy,

Authorized 1611, King James Bible is the Word of God and every word of God is
pure [Pro 30:5]  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. [2 Tim 3:16]

Modern translations are taken from phony manuscripts, watered-down and edited
to prop-up some particular groups’ phony doctrine.

A simple side-by-side version comparison shows that modern translations leave
out entire verses, and often butcher verses so only a nonsensical fragment of a
verse remains.

An example from the English Standard Version (ESV) is Matthew 19:9 – it removes
the entire phrase “…and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit
adultery.” Do you think removing this has something to do with the fact
churches today are filled with adulterers?

The New International Version (NIV)  was written by out-of-the-closet
sodomites; so it is no coincidence that the word ‘sodomite’ never appears in
the NIV.

Heaven and earth shall pass away: but My words shall not pass away. [Matt
24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33]

We use a wide range of credible bible expositions that have been published over
the course of hundreds of years. These are not considered infallible, as is the

Things like the Talmud or Apocrypha can be used to gain some historical
background and information.

Thanks for writing!

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