Believe Not Every Spirit But Try The Spirits Whether They Are Of God



Dear WBC-

Let me start out by saying I am in no way trying to attack your religion or anyone that believes the same way you do. I am simply a
Catholic teen trying to learn more about other faiths and ideals because this week at Sunday school, my Youth Minister taught us about
acceptance and how we should go and find other religions and learn about them so we can better respect everyone’s ideas. I am merely
asking these questions and stating these points so I can better understand where you all are coming from.

Firstly, you do realize that the solider’s death you’re celebrating are the same people who gave you the right to be able to say whatever
the heck you want on the internet. They fight for our inalienable to free speech and freedom of religion. Of course I find a lot of your
views plain wrong as you might find many of mine but without those men and women we wouldn’t be able to express ourselves in whatever way we seem fit. So why do you have to go and picket funerals of those who have passed on? Aren’t we supposed to “love thy neighbor”? And what
about acceptance of others? Didn’t Jesus say something along the lines of “turn the other cheek?” Didn’t God also love everything he created?
It even says in the Bible when he created men and women and light and stuff like that, that is was good? I probably have more questions but I can’t think of anymore right now. Maybe if you do e-mail me back I could talk to a teen or a young adult who could explain things a bit better, seeing how I’m still in high school anyway. Hope to hear from you soon.



We are happy to answer you. You will get the same answer from an adult or a teenager. They all learn at the Golden Candlestick University, known as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ -Westboro Baptist Church.

No “youth ministers” in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has the same message to all – obedience to Him. The Lord said to try the spirits to know whether they be of God, NOT to be tolerant of their false doctrine.

1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

No Sunday school to separate children from faithful Bible preaching. All words of truth are profitable to the entire congregation. Parents are required to teach their children from the cradle up to obey God, to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4) That admonition means rebuke and warning.

The soldiers did not give us anything. They died fighting VOLUNTARILY for a filthy fag nation, a paycheck and benefits. We still have a First Amendment in this nation, so let us use it to WARN THE LIVING! That child is dead at the hand of God. God cut that child off early in his/her life. He controls the breath and life of every man. The living still have a space to repent for their sins. This nation has propped up those funerals as huge patriotic pep rallies to preach that child into Heaven when the evidence is clear to the contrary. Their well publicized stories are filled with tales of divorce and remarriage, which Christ said is adultery, fornication, idolatry, etc… We are there to remind them that God has set the standard and He demands you obey that standard – if you obey, He’ll bless you; if you rebel, He’ll curse you. The youth of this nation coming home in body bags is a CURSE!

THAT message IS loving our neighbor, according to the Bible standard. The Lord demands you rebuke your fellow man about their sinful manner of life that is taking them to hell. If you don’t do exactly that, you hate them!

Lev.19:17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.
18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

Christ did NOT preach acceptance. He preached hard against sin. He preached hard against hypocrisy. He preached hard against false preachers. He preached hard on how you better not mistreat His people, those that obey. He commanded you to obey and to warn your fellow man to do the same. He said liars, hypocrites and those that persecute his people ALL will be cast in the lake fire. That is Bible.

God loves those that are of a humble heart and obey. He hates the rest which is most of mankind, those that are on the wide path that leadeth to destruction. He hated Esau (the man, not just his sins) who is the standing type in the Bible for all the disobedient, the reprobates, from Adam to the last man. Read Romans 9.

Lastly, all that He created is “good” by definition because He made it. The filthy fag who is given up by God to vile affections, uncleanness and a reprobate mind (Romans 1) is a vessel unto dishonor (Romans 9), made to be taken and destroyed (2 Peter 2) and THAT is good per His omnipotent plan.

I suggest you read our sites that are complete with sound doctrine and words in sermons, blogs, songs and videos. Then read the Bible to see if these things be so. If you don’t find an answer to a question after that good sincere work, feel free to write back.

Check out this nice video disproving the most common Bible lies:

Thanks for writing!

-Your Friends at WBC

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