Westboro Baptist Church Endures All Things for the Elect’s Sake (2 Timothy 2:10)



Hi WBC! Here comes the questions, sorry if they’re too long, but I just want to make sure that you know what I mean with every question. I feel like these questions haven’t been asked yet, I look forward to your answers! And sorry for my English, I’m not American.

1. How well do you take on new members, or people that are curious about your religion? Because if you compare the WBC with other “extremist” religions, they seem more like trying to persuade people into their beliefs, while you guys don’t seem to care about other joining you and you just want to let them know that they’re going to hell. Do you try to convince people instead of just getting your message across that the media aren’t showing?

Answer: We are not an extremist religion, it just seems that way to you because you are in a generation that has had the word of God stolen from you. We do not own salvation and we do not control hearts. Our duty is to be faithful in the telling of what God’s word IS! NOT what rebel man would like it to be. If I had my way, I would scoop up all the young people and start over with your education, but it is NOT about me, so when I get right eyes on the scene which is most of the time, I say – THANK GOD for the face of this generation because it is a harbinger that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is very near! In sight now! How good is that?!

2. I agree that you are going after what the bible says, and it doesn’t approve of homosexuals ways. But there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t approve of, that are sinful, why all this focus mainly on that part? Do you think it’s because your own opinion weights in here, not just the bible, or that God thinks it’s the most important part and you need to address it more?

Answer: My dear, we are talking about what YOU are talking about! If you knew what the fag take-over of this country means for you, you would be very sober at this hour! When you see a people rise up with one voice like one man (think Sodom, Pompeii, the world that was before the Flood) to say IT IS OK TO BE GAY, you know two things about that people. 1. They have policies of sin against God at EVERY level of this society! E.g. Christ said if you divorce and remarry it is adultery, this nation has a 60% divorce and remarriage rate. 2. You are looking at a DOOMED nation or people.

3. And also, same goes for the American soldiers. What is the main reason that you demonstrate at their funerals and not other Americans? I mean is the fact that they are fighting for a doomed country, the only reason? So what is the common denominator between those two groups? Fags and soldiers I mean?

Answer: Proud, pushy, IN-UR-FACE sin! Thou shalt NOT kill!

4. In which way have you developed on a personal level all these years?

Answer: It is NOT about us!

5. I´ve seen in some videos where people call you names and you often say something like, “you can say what you want, but it won’t fix this”. I’m wondering how you feel that by demonstrating at funerals will fix this? You do get your message across but when you do it when they’re in a very emotional state, they will just feel resentment against you instead. So it’s not like you will change their mind. What do you think WBC is doing that helps to fix this doomed country? Except from getting your message across.

Answer: We speak to the living! This is the ONLY fix for you! If you don’t heed the warning, it won’t matter, you will go to hell with the child that you sent there first!

6. What do you think about the loving part in the bible, where you love and forgive people? Don’t you think that is as important as the others? And do you agree with “Only God can judge me”? If so, besides “helping people” by telling them how they should live their lives, do you feel that it’s okay for to judge for example someone else’s daughter for dressing a certain way etc, don’t you feel that’s between them and not you?

Answer: Sure, for the elect of God the love of God is the beginning and ending of it all! For all humans, if God loves you, but you don’t get to decide. We don’t know who God loves, so we tell this truth, we feed this Bread of Life to ALL! You make judgments every day! I also and all humans do that! You better make CERTAIN your judgments line up with God’s.

7. And the last question, how would you feel if people would demonstrate at a funeral that you are attending, and they feel like you they are right and that you guys are living the wrong way and you will go to hell. Would you think that that’d they’re opinion and that have the right to express themselves or would you get mad, upset etc. And why?

Answer: Our hearts and minds are not dictated by rebels and what they do. We would not care if they picket at a funeral we are attending. (Note: We don’t attend funerals any more.) Our only concern always is what will God think of this or that thing that we do. HE WILL bring every work into judgment and lay open every secret thing wither it be good or evil!

I really appreciate for taking your time and reading and answering this. Thank you so much in advance.

Sincerely, Cassie

Response: You’re welcome.

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