God’s Perfect Hate Is His Righteous Determination To Take The Sinner To Hell For Eternity!


To Westboro Baptist Church,

Thank you for agreeing to answer my questions. I’m interested in seeing your perspective, especially from the academic side of things.

1. On your website, you repeatedly proclaim that “hate” is your message–not love. In your words, what is “hate” in relation to Westboro Baptist Church?

We tell you of God’s hate. We tell you of God’s standards and commandments and the consequence of proud, institutionalized sin. God’s perfect hate is his righteous determination to take the sinner to hell for eternity where the worm never dies and fire is never quenched and worse and more. We warn, KNOWING God is a consuming fire, FLEE THAT WRATH.

For us, if we turn from righteousness, we will go to hell with the rest.

2. Most groups with significant amounts of power have made mistakes along the way. Has your church ever had to make any significant apologies to any groups that you had previously expressed disapproval of?


3. The idea of family seems to very important in your church. Do you every worry that the message of your cause will change or shift as leadership passes from generation to generation?

No! GOD DOES NOT CHANGE! Therefore, His people DO NOT change!!

4. Your family has a legacy for holding numerous law degrees. How important is secular education in regard to the cause of Westboro Baptist Church?

To function in this life you need education. Get it and look on it with right eyes. It is a pile of crap that is necessary, but to win Christ we kick it to the curb and live in the Word of God!

5. Finally, as you continue to spread the message of hatred against sin, how do you teach your children to spread the message of “hate”as you have throughout this generation of WBC, as well as teach them how to “love” in regard to God, family, other believers, or sinners (although some of those may fall outside of your radar of love).

Say it right now: We spread a message of God’s hate. Don’t lie about God’s word OR the words of His servants.

You use way too many words. Our children are sweet-natured, happy, well-adjusted, well-educated, good students, etc which equals GREATLY blessed by God. Not because we are good people , but because we have received mercy. We therefore are blessed with zeal for God and righteousness.

Shame on that question. Pretending that teaching God’s word as He has instructed us to do requires upstart punks to ask truly presumptuous and wrong and insulting and stupid questions about how our little ones will manage to get by. You know, shut up. We are not a petri dish to be poured over.

You change nothing. You WILL obey or you WILL perish in hell.

I am greatly looking forward to your answers and thank you in advance for allowing me to better understand the Westboro Baptist Church and
their mission.

My pleasure. Anathema Maranatha

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