No Fags In Heaven! “For Without Are Dogs”

Benaiah Fags Doom Nations

hi, im tom from germany.

im seriously interested in your church, because i think that your philosophy has a lot in common with my thinking about world and what the bible said. i know you from television and the internet. The massmedia is saying, that your church is sick and that your thoughts are wrong.i dont believe in that becaue the massmedia are trying to manipulate all people. so here are my serious questions:

i think that faggots are bad and that god hates them because it is not natural that two men or women have sexual contact. in which part of the bible is there anything written about faggots and homosexuality?

adolf hitler hated jews and faggots and tried to kill them. Everybody knows that he was no christian, but do you think, that he was a good man. how do you see him? as a friend that helped the world? do you like or maybe love him?

so that all i have to say and ask. i think that there will be more soon.
i would be really happy if you answer my questions and tell me somethink about your thinking.

god bless you and all your family



Hi Tom from Germany-

Be clear that we hate NO ONE. We are preaching God’s perfect hatred, not man’s base emotion. Of a truth, we love them according to God’s standard by warning them and this generation that their sins are taking them to hell. However, because man loves sin, they squeal like stuck pigs anytime light shines upon their filth.

Adolf Hitler was a God-hating pervert and is in hell. But he was the instrument of God’s choosing to punish the rebellious Jews who have turned from their God and served other gods, including their vain traditions. Just as God used Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, to punish the rebellious Jews, He used Hitler for His purpose and to glorify His name.

Jeremiah 27:6 And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him.

Man is NOT to avenge himself on anyone. God is the Avenger. There is absolutely no scriptural basis for hating or killing or avenging yourself upon another.

God calls fag sex an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), and the wholesale acceptance of that sin dooms a nation. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha for turning the cities over to that filthy lifestyle (Jude 1:7), and for our learning and warning. Romans 1 explains how fags are given up by God three times to their sin – to uncleanness (v.24), to vile affections (v.26) and to a reprobate mind (v.28). Therefore, they are without hope of salvation. Also, fags (called sodomites and dogs in the Bible) are one class of people who are mentioned in Revelation 22 of those who will not enter into Heaven. These are just a few verses speaking about the sin of homosexuality.

I would urge you to seek the Lord for wisdom and understanding and obey Him every day joyfully.

Thanks for writing!


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