Bad-Boy Anderson Cooper Girly-Boy Needs To Shut The Hell Up

Image is hilarious! nice job guys. Its all so sarcastic and really, really funny. Anderson cooper? HILARIOUS! keep up the good
work guys. Hey Im in chicago if you guys come out to Zanie’s comedy
club shoot me an email.



Dear Bob –

Will do boo boo!

Now on a more serious note, TIME RUNS OUT! RENDER an opinion and be prepared to defend it before God!

Thanks so much for writing Bob.

We did our best, and we aim to please. I just finished reading a blog I wrote earlier and almost fell off my chair laughing! Good truth with humor is just the ticket I always did say. I sure hope that they add my tweet to Anderson Cooper’s pages from earlier this day, let me share ok Bob? You good with that?

Shut up @andersoncooper There are MANY dead in Egypt. U went willingly to promote yourself! U got what you looked for! STOP whining already!

Yea – that’s it! I love that whole event where AC got ruffed up when he stuck his self-promoting nose into Egypt’s GodShake! What did he think God would send him when he is running his mouth far and wide about running the servants of God off the streets of Doomed america! God’s arm is not shortened just because widdo Andy went to Egypt! So after watching the video, I thought – YIKES! The rebels do worse than that to us on a daily basis, so bad-boy AC girly-boy needs to just shut the hell up! If he wants to run with the big dogs (and by big dogs I mean peaceful protesters that are under siege by the government that behaves lawlessly!) he needs to suck it up and take the sign already biotech!

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