Pink Glitter Pump Wearing Military Man Wants To Change The Views of WBC Regarding God and Truth – Fat Chance!

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Good Morning,

On behalf of the soldiers serving for freedom I would welcome the opportunity to interview with you and help change your views that have no relevance.

Ltc Richard M.

Dear Ltc Richard M.

Let me get this straight, you find yourself in a war that has gone on longer than any in this nation’s history. You’re getting your ass handed to you on a daily basis in the war zone and on the home front at every level of this society. God is cleaning your clocks. Every day the prayers of WBC are toward God’s righteous judgments to pour out upon this nation. God is confirming our words and answering our prayers and you want to talk about relevance.

Tell you what, you do that. Talk among yourselves about how irrelevant God is and we will continue to bring down His wrath upon your heads. If that program gets tiring for you, how about if you consider repenting and putting on your QUIET OBEDIENCE. Watch how quickly the smiting rod of God is lifted off your backs.

Meanwhile, the Lord willing, I get to meet the rebellious bastards that run congress and the pentagon on next Wednesday, as they return from their pagan festivities. Unless they were in the GodSmack zones where tens of thousands of your fellow countrymen were shown, up close and personal, by God, exactly who is in charge. In that case they had their houses filled with mud; their lives taken; their streets impassable/snow bound; and they got to sit in the airports, waiting endlessly. Remember, for 20 years, we have been sitting in airports all over the land as we have daily stood in the mean streets of Doomed america, faithfully warning you that this day was coming. For days and nights they have been stranded, unable to do anything about it! BTW, where was the bad-assed military machine when they needed you? Pagan idol worship (God hates your idols, idolatry is yet another of your sins that you love to push in God’s face!) vacation, that’s where! We will also, the Lord willing, stand outside the White House to remind The Beast that God said OBEY! God said THOU SHALT NOT KILL! God said FAGS are an abomination. Also, we will, in our very best dot-connecting fashion, the Lord willing, begin our day at Priests-Rape-Children and others, Gonzaga College High School, where you must hide your kids, hide your moms, hide your dads too, they rape everyone up in there. Then, before the Pentagon picket, we will picket the END of your idols, which is death and hell, and the mother of all of your pagan worshipping of the dead locations, Arlington National Cemetery! So you see little girl, we have a full schedule, and we will work, till Jesus comes!

The odds of you changing the minds of the servants of God are 0%. Your destruction, at the hand of the God that you arrogant asses flip off on a daily basis, is IMMINENT! The time is so very, very short!

Anathema, Maranatha

P.S. You are fighting for a big paycheck, a huge benefits package (tee hee, that is monopoly money you play with today) and for fags to marry! The fags now own that military! How perfect is that?! I have a nice new sign for my trip. “God Hates Crippled Soldiers.” It has a graphic, the fake leg and the shoe on my new sign is a pink glitter pump. When God turns in on this nation and it is spewing time, with the land vomiting out you rebellious inhabitants, the only thing that the masses will see in front of them as they run to the mountains, calling upon the rocks to fall on them to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb and from the face of HIM that sitteth upon the Throne, will be some bare-assed military-fags, clacking along in their high-heeled pink-glitter pumps.

Out front because they are your young people, the strength of the nation, so they can out-run you all. Bare-assed because this if a filthy nation of perverts that can’t get through the day without bearing their asses and spreading filth all over the land so at any given hour, they are just bare-assed, and NEVER in a condition of readiness (that’s why you win no wars!)! In pink-glitter pumps, … well … that’s how fags roll!

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