Obey His Voice; Serve Him And Cleave Unto Him


Dear WBC-

I am a 17 year old high school student in a small Kansas town about 60 miles away from Topeka. The message your Church spreads has really opened my eyes. I would love to separate the myself from the
ignorance around here and really become educated about the truth. I often find myself dreaming of holding up a sign and showing the rest of the world the wrath of God….I would like for the Westboro Baptist Church to become one more strong and join the cause in spreading the truth. How can I become more involved with your church? I am ready and willing to spread the truth that the rest of the world is blind to.

Thank you again, I hope to hear back.



Dear Josh –

The time grows short – you must obey the commandments of God. We have a program called butts in seats. When the church meets, the people are sitting in the seats. That is how we learn. God meets with his people, and Christ is the head of that church. He keeps our way and he guides our path and are steps are all ordered of the Lord. I don’t know exactly what you would like us to tell you.

Thanks for writing.


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